IEA Greenhouse Gas R&D Programme (IEA GHG TCP)
Short Description
In the last years, the effects of climate-change were directly monitored. All-time highs in temperature measurements or the increase of temperature on Earth's surface and troposphere, an increase of the sea level, etc. show the effects of climate change. The emissions of greenhouse gases by the usage of fossil fuels are one of the basic causes.
The Technology Collaboration Programme on Greenhouse Gas R&D, also known as IEAGHG, constitutes an autonomous and independent framework within the International Energy Agency (IEA) network. The GHG TCP's task is to assess the role that technologies can play in reducing greenhouse gas emissions from both the power system and from industrial processes.
The IEA GHG executes its aims by employing the best academic institutions and technical consultancies from around the world to undertake detailed techno-economic assessments of different technology options and how these can cost effectively reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The primary technologies of focus are for carbon dioxide capture, utilisation and storage (CCS/CCUS).
IEAGHG dissemination activities include the publication of its works on the IEAGHG website to ensure that the knowledge generated is freely available and gets disseminated globally and used by all the relevant stakeholders in keeping with the IEA TCP goals. IEAGHG works internationally and collaboratively to facilitate the development and deployment of CCS/CCUS technologies.
IEAGHG coordinates several international research networks. The networks bring together the expertise and experience of organisations at the forefront of research, development and demonstration into GHG mitigation technologies.
- The 'Monitoring Network' covers the monitoring of injected CO2 in geological storage formations.
- The 'Costs Network' provides information of the costs for CCS, one of the key barriers to a wide scale application of this technology.
- The scope of the 'Risk Management Network' includes the following subject areas: data management and risk analysis, regulatory engagement and environmental impacts.
- The 'Modelling Network': Predictive modelling of CO2 injection is recognised as an essential part of the site selection and characterisation process and is a required element throughout the injection and post injection phases. Within this network, progress is reviewed periodically.
- The 'High Temperature Solid Looping Cycles Network' promotes further development and scale-up of processes for CO2 capture which involve solid looping cycles operating at elevated temperatures.
- The 'Environmental Research into CO2 Storage Network' aims to stimulate and nurture global collaboration and knowledge advancement in potential impacts of CO2 Storage for Environmental Impact Assessments.
- The 'Oxyfuel Combustion Network' aims to provide an international forum for organisations with an interest in the development of Oxyfuel Combustion Technology.
- The focus of the 'Social Research Network' is to improve the understanding of the processes required for deploying CCS projects.
Furthermore, this TCP offers a blog, weekly news, a newsletter and other interesting information (further information can be found on the IEA GHG TCP website).
The duration of this TCP goes from December 2021 to November 2026.
Publications are available on the IEA GHG Website.
Australia, European Commission, Austria, Canada, Finland, France, India, Japan, Korea, Netherlands, Norway, OPEC (till 2024), South Africa, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States.
In addition to the countries listed, a number of contractors on an institutional basis and international sponsors also participate in this TCP.
Contact Address
Austrian ExCo representative
DI Arno Gattinger
Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation, and Technology (BMK)
Energy and Environment Technologies
Radetzkystraße 2
A-1030 Wien
DI Dr. Günter Simader
Austrian Energy Agency (AEA)
Mariahilfer Straße 136
A-1150 Wien