IEA Cities Task 2: Data for Urban Energy Planning (Working period 2025 - 2029)

Cities consume 60–80% of the globally produced energy and play a central role in the energy transition. However, they face challenges such as insufficient data, missing methodologies, and legal barriers. The project offers practical solutions, best practice examples, and tools for urban energy planning. The focus is on international knowledge exchange, improved data access and quality, as well as collaboration with multipliers and municipalities.

Short Description


IEA Cities Task 2 aims to strengthen cities and municipalities as key players in the energy transition. It supports them in developing data-driven planning strategies to better address the challenges of urban decarbonization. Key objectives include providing best practice examples, developing new methods and tools, and fostering international knowledge and experience exchange. Additionally, the project considers the legal, economic, and societal frameworks necessary to enable cities and municipalities to implement sustainable solutions for a successful energy transition.


The project consists of five subtasks with the following contents:

  • Subtask 1: Use Cases
    Development and collection of concrete use cases, such as for municipal heat supply planning, citizen engagement, or energy spatial planning. These use cases serve as practical references for cities and municipalities.
  • Subtask 2: Methods, Tools, and Services
    Provision of tools and methods, such as digital twins or web services, which are required for the implementation of the use cases.
  • Subtask 3: Data
    Analysis and assessment of available (inter)national data sources, along with the development of strategies for data acquisition, storage, and quality. This subtask also includes recommendations for managing data in cities.
  • Subtask 4: Non-technical Frameworks
    Examination of legal and economic aspects, including data security, authorship, and business models.
  • Subtask 5: Dissemination
    Dissemination of project results through workshops, brochures, training materials, and webinars in cooperation with international organizations such as the Global Covenant of Mayors and energy agencies.

Expected Outcomes

IEA Cities Task 2 will provide:

  • Foundations and Guidance: An overview of data, methods, and application fields in urban energy planning.
  • In-depth Insights: Reports and studies on specific topics such as data barriers or automated planning approaches.
  • International Comparisons: Analyses of the adaptation of solutions in different regulatory and geographical contexts.
  • Practical Outcomes: Examples of successfully implemented projects, data management plans, and best practices.
  • Promotion of Knowledge Exchange: Support for cities and municipalities through training, workshops, and capacity-building materials.


Austria (Operating Agent), Australia, Belgium, Canada, China, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Vietnam

Contact Address

Project leader

DI Dr. Ingo Leusbrock
AEE – Institute for Sustainable Technologies
Feldgasse 19, A-8200 Gleisdorf

Project partners

Shokufeh Zamini
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH
Giefinggasse 4, 1210 Wien

Markus Biberacher
Research Studios Austria Forschungsgesellschaft mbH
Leopoldskronstraße 30, 5020 Salzburg

Alexander Rehbogen
SIR - Salzburger Institut für Raumordnung und Wohnen
Schillerstraße 25, 5020 Salzburg