Co-Operative Programme on Advanced Materials for Transportation Applications (AMT)

The AMT Technology Programme (AMT-TCP) focuses on creating innovations in material technologies to increase energy efficiency and reduce carbon emissions to allow global warming mitigation.

Short Description

AMT-TCP's vision is to provide innovative materials technologies to enable the creation of next generation of energy efficient transportation systems.

Our mission, therefore is, to develop, create, assist, and explore innovative materials technology to accelerate the energy transition to electrification of transportation. This includes the development of test methods, testing, verification, demonstration, and potential commercialization.

The AMT-TCP has world class materials network and focuses on developing fuel efficient material technologies. The network provides a forum for material experts to exchange latest information and work together as a team to improve fuel economy in their regions as well as addressing global challenges in material technologies. Engine test results (or results from unique facilities) are being shared to enhance the combined capabilities, personnel can jump start collaboration on shared interests. International round robin studies (e.g. in thermoelectric material measurements) enable mutual learning experience together, sharing expertise and resulting in international standard practice. In working together, we not only enhance the probability of success, we also multiply our resources towards our common goals.

The AMT-TCP focuses on energy efficiency improvement of vehicles by accelerating adoption of advanced materials for lightweighting, friction reduction, and thermal management. We have achieved significant progress in friction reduction, resulting in 2% fuel economy improvement.

Annexes/Tasks with Austria's Participation

All ongoing Annexes/Tasks

  • Annex VIII - Thermal management: develops high speed "superconducting" material technology, and extreme heat dissipation materials for EV fast charging.
  • Annex XI - Automotive Glazing): replacement of glass with polycarbonate reduces 40% weight and increase thermal insulation property.
  • Annex XII - Tailored engineered surfaces: designs and fabricates multifunctional surfaces tailored to specific property desired, e. g. zero wear surfaces for electric motors.
  • Annex XIII - Low carbon fuels examines the effect of materials on low carbon fuels such as biofuels, ammonia, eFuels, hydrogen performance during power generation cycles.
  • Task 1 - GREET Model: examines the influence of the choice of materials in substituting lightweighting material for steel.
  • Task 2 - Hydrogen compatible materials: explores hydrogen embrittlement resistant alloys; catalysts for green hydrogen generation, hydrogen storage materials and materials needed for fuel cell utilization.
  • Task 3 - Carbon capture and utilization: focuses on the electrochemical catalytic conversion of carbon dioxide into hydrocarbon or syngas or carbon nanotubes
  • Task 4 - Green chemistry and sustainable materials: explores biopolymers and bio-concrete to reduce GHG.


Australia, Austria, Canada, China, Finland, Germany, Israel, Republic of Korea, United Kingdom, United States

Contact Address


Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Carsten Gachot
TU WIEN, Institute of Engineering Design and Product Development, Research Division Tribology
Tel.: +43 (1) 58801 30763


Gerhard Gruber
Austrian Energy Agency