IEA Tasks & Annexes Topics "Fortschrittliche Brennstoffzellen (AFC)"
There are 6 results.
IEA AFC Task 30: Electrolysis (Working period 2024 - 2027)
IEA AFC Task 30 deals with the production of hydrogen through electrolysis. Questions regarding material costs and durability, efficiency and reliability are at the core of research efforts. This is addressed through the development of new materials and advanced monitoring strategies to detect aging phenomena, as well as the optimisation of operating strategies. Within Task 30, developments shared among the world's leading research institutions and companies.
IEA TCP AFC Annex 33: Stationary Fuel Cells (Working period 2024 - 2027)
The focus of this task is on the secure supply of electricity for service and industrial applications. Analyses of at least three real applications (e.g. applications in healthcare facilities, data centers) show the strengths and weaknesses of stationary fuel cells compared to batteries and diesel generators. Global technological developments are considered in the analyses and target group-specific communication is used to promote the exchange with stakeholders.
IEA TCP AFC Annex 33: Fuel Cells for Stationary Applications (Working period 2022 - 2024)
The task focus is on the analyses of decentralized hydrogen concepts in climate-neutral neighborhoods or renewable energy communities. Based on decentralized hydrogen energy concepts and in combination with electrolysers and hydrogen storage systems, stationary fuel cells will improve self-consumption rates of the renewable energy sources produced on site. Furthermore, the grid consumption of electrical energy will be reduced and the resilience of the energy system will be increased.
IEA AFC Annex 34: Fuel Cells for Transportation (Working period 2022 - 2025)
The vision of the Technology Collaboration Programme on Advanced Fuel Cells (AFC TCP) is to make a significant contribution to addressing the opportunities and barriers to the commercialisation of fuel cells by promoting the development of fuel cell technologies and their applications at the international level. In detail, Annex 34 deals with the advantages and disadvantages of fuel cells, the further development of storage media, the recording of cost reduction potentials and the results analysis of pilot projects for mobile applications.
IEA AFC Annex 31: Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells (Working period 2020 - 2024)
AFC Annex 31 covers the technological development of the key components of fuel cells, system development, market introduction support through the analysis and development of the political framework conditions and the reduction of market entry barriers.
IEA AFC: Technology Collaboration Programme on Advanced Fuel Cells
In the AFC TCP, both technology-oriented R&D activities (polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells, solid oxide fuel cells, electrolysers) as well as analysis to implement fuel cells in commercial applications (stationary and mobile applications) are carried-out. System investigations and modelling complement the activities of this TCP.