Workshop: Will a smarter grid lead to smarter end users - or vice versa
Experts' Group on R&D Priority-Setting and Evaluation
Content Description
Examples of end user-applications, consumer segmentation and engagement schemes, and business models will be presented to illustrate state-of-the-art and examples of emerging international "best practice". Achieving the vision of smartening the grid between now and 2050 requires governments, research organisations, industry, the financial sector, consumer advocates, international organisations and other power sector stakeholders to work together.
Workshop Report: "Will a smarter grid lead to smarter end users - or vice versa"
Herausgeber: IEA EGRD
Englisch, 70 Seiten
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Target Audience
In addition to EGRD national experts, we are seeking input from RD&D decision makers, strategic planners, and program managers from industry concerned with intelligent end-use and distributed energy technologies related to electrical grids.
Participant Information
Participation is by invitation only. Interested parties are invited to contact Diana Louis.
Contact Address
International Energy Agency
Diana Louis