Workshop on Demand Side Management (DSM): Potentials, Implementations and Experiences
Attend the workshop to learn more about latest activities in the field of Active Demand Response (DR) and Demand Side Management (DSM).
Content Description
The IEA-DSM Task 17: Integration of Demand Side Management, Distributed Generation, Renewable Energy Sources and Energy and the European project "EcoGrid EU" jointly organise this workshop to foster the exchange between experts and stakeholders.
The contributions are structured into four blocks which will cover
- DSM Potentials of Buildings,
- DSM for Distribution Networks,
- DSM and Market Operation,
- DSM and Electric Vehicles
and a panel discussion with the presenters.
Contact Address
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology
Energy Department/Complex Energy Systems
Matthias Stifter (Scientist)
Giefinggasse 2
A-1210 Vienna
Tel.: +43 (505) 50-6673
Fax: +43 (505) 50-6613
Mobil: +43 (664) 81 57 944