Conference: The 3rd IEA Clean Coal Centre Network Workshop on Underground Coal Gasification

7th to 8th of November 2013
Brisbane, AU

The workshop will cover all the topical issues around underground coal gasification including: commercialisation, site characterisation, risk mitigation, UCG development, legislation and regulatory issues.


IEA Clean Coal Centre

Content Description

There will be two days of presentations at the Stamford Plaza Hotel, Brisbane, followed by a technical site visit to Linc Energy's Chinchilla and Carbon Energy's Bloodwood Creek operations.

Participant Information

The registration fee for the two days is €350 which includes refresh­ments, lunches and the workshop dinner kindly sponsored by Linc Energy.

The technical site visit is limited to 50 participants at an additional cost of €80 and will take place on November 9th.

Contact Address

IEA Clean Coal Centre
Gemini House
10-18 Putney Hill
London SW15 6AA
Tel.: +44 (0) 20 8246 5250
Company Registration No.: 1233764