IEA HPT Annex: Industrial High-Temperature Heat Pumps

High-temperature heat pumps are key elements in the decarbonisation of industrial process heat. In this project, existing activities to promote the market ramp-up of this technology will be continued. An existing technology database of manufacturers, their close-to-market or market-available products and demonstration projects will be continued. Moreover, recommendations for sector-specific solutions and training materials will be developed and disseminated to relevant target groups.

Short Description


The aim of this project is to continue activities already started in the IEA HPT Annex 58 for a necessary broad market ramp-up of industrial high-temperature heat pumps in order to reduce knowledge and information deficits and increase market acceptance of the technology, especially among potential industrial end-user.


Structured information on manufacturers of industrial high-temperature heat pumps, their market-oriented products, research, development, and demonstration projects as well as trends and prospects will be collected and integrated into an existing, freely available, globally unique, international web-based database.

In addition, the development of sector-specific solutions is supported, and target group-specific materials are developed for the information and training of selected interest groups along the value chain. Through a broad dissemination of the information, a common understanding is to be created among a large number of interest groups and the use of high-temperature heat pumps in industry is to be promoted.


The planned results at the national level include recommendations for sector solutions and integration concepts that are tailored to the needs of national user companies, as well as training materials with a focus on end users and students.


Austria, Denmark (Lead)

Contact Address

Project lead

DI Dr. techn. Sabrina Dusek
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH
Giefinggasse 2, A-1210 Wien

Project partner

Ao. Univ.-Prof. DI Dr. techn. René Rieberer
TU Graz - Institut für Wärmetechnik
Inffeldgasse 25/B, A-8010 Graz