Energy Optimization and Recovery Technology Collaboration Programme (EOR TCP)

Optimizing energy production and storing energy are of paramount importance for energy supply security and the energy transition. The EOR TCP covers the optimization and use of underground reservoirs for the next generation energy systems.

Short Description

The EOR TCP is investigating optimization of various energy systems including geothermal, CO2 geological storage, Underground Hydrogen Storage (UHS), and hydrocarbons. In the EOR TCP, physical, chemical, and biological processes are investigated governing the suitability and efficiency of underground reservoirs for the energy systems.
The EOR TCP includes four different work packages:

  1. Dynamic reservoir characterization
    Reservoirs need to be described to forecast and optimize the use of the reservoir for energy production or storage.
  2. Fluids and interfaces
    The properties of the fluids that are injected as well as the interfaces of the fluids are of paramount importance to determine injection-production rates and multiphase flow
  3. Physical, chemical and biological processes in subsurface reservoir
    Understanding the various processes is crucial to forecast energy production and storage and for the design of surface facilities
  4. New technologies
    Technologies concerning energy storage and production from subsurface reservoirs develop at a high pace. In the EOR TCP, technologies are developed and assessed


Austria, Australia, Danmark, France, UK, Japan, Canada, Colombia, Korea, Mexico, Norway, Russia, Venezuela, USA

Contact Address

Dr. Torsten Clemens
OMV Energie
Trabrennstr. 6-8
1020 Wien