IEA PVPS Task 13 Workshop - Bifacial Tracking Systems
The workshop will focus on technical topics related to the report "Best Practices for the Optimization of Bifacial Photovoltaic Tracking Systems", including how to effectively design, monitor, and model the performance of such systems. It will include talks and discussion sessions from experts in IEA PVPS Task 13, as well as a variety of industry perspectives from module and tracker manufacturers, monitoring companies, and developers.
IEA PVPS (Photovoltaic Power Systems Programme) Task 13
Content Description
Bifacial Tracking PV systems are growing in popularity for utility-scale photovoltaics because they offer high yields with the lowest levelized cost of electricity in most parts of the world. Over 90% of PV modules sold today use bifacial cells and over 60% of PV system market share uses single axis trackers. The IEA PVPS Task 13 recently published the report: "Best Practices for the Optimization of Bifacial Photovoltaic Tracking Systems", which provides a wealth of information about these systems.
Objectives of this workshop
- Disseminate the findings from the report and perspectives from industry about how to optimize the performance from bifacial PV tracking systems.
- Provide information of value to PV developers, insurers, investors, customers on best practices for bifacial tracking systems
- Engage in discussion, and solicit feedback, from key stakeholders.
09:00 Introduction to this Workshop
Workshop organizer Joshua Stein, host Leonardo Micheli and Task 13 manager Ulrike Jahn
Part 1: Industry Perspectives on Bifacial PV Tracking Systems
- 09:15 Keynote Talk
Insights to the ENEL Innovation lab
Fabrizio Bizzarri, Head of Solar Innovation ENEL Green Power, Italy - 09:45 From Steel to Optimized LCoE:
Overcoming Challenges in Single Axis Tracking on a GW Scale
Jürgen Sutterlueti, Gantner Instruments, Austria - 10:00 Trackers in Photovoltaic Applications:
Technological Challenges and Innovation Opportunities
Matteo Demofonti, Vice President of Product Strategy & Commercialization at Valmont Solar, Italy - 10:15 Optimizing Bifacial PV Systems:
Design and Implementation Challenges with Trackers
Angelo Pignatelli – Head of Engineering and R&D at EF Solare Italia, Italy - 10:30 Moderated Panel Discussion
Joshua Stein, Sandia Labs, or Giosuè Maugeri, RSE - 11:00 Break
Part 2: IEA PVPS Task 13 Expert Perspectives
- 11:30 Monitoring Best Practices for Bifacial Tracked PV Systems
Nicholas Riedel-Lyngskær, Denmark - 11:45 Field Insights on Optimizing Diffuse Light Tracking Performance
Maddalena Bruno, Fraunhofer ISE, Germany - 12:00 PV Tracking Adaptation to the Module Technology and Site Conditions
Kevin Anderson, Sandia National Laboratories, USA - 12:15 Techno-economic Assessment of High Albedo Materials for Bifacial PV
Franco Clandestino, PV Radar, Germany - 12:30 Moderated Panel Discussion
Joshua Stein, Sandia Labs or Giosuè Maugeri, RSE - 13:00 Lunch Break
Part 3: Modeling demos/tutorials for bifacial tracking systems
- 14:15 Using pvlib-python to model bifacial PV tracked systems
Adam Jensen, Denmark Technical University, Denmark
Kevin Anderson, Sandia National Laboratories, USA - 15:30 Break
- 16:00 PVRADAR hands on Demo: Techno-economic evaluation of albedo enhancers
Franco Clandestino, PV Radar, Germany - 17:00 End
Participant Information
Contact Address
Gernot Oreski