IEA Bioenergy Webinar - Resilient Biomass Supply Chains in the Post-COVID Recovery

3. June 2021
Online, AT

IEA Bioenergy invites you to participate in a free international webinar entitled "Resilient Biomass Supply Chains in the Post-COVID Recovery".


IEA Bioenergy

Content Description

COVID19 has impacted economies worldwide, abruptly shifting business models and global supply chains to novel forms as well as social interaction. The webinar investigates the effect of pandemic on biomass supply chains with recording the impacts on international bioenergy supply chain and investigating how investments in biomass supply chains could aid post-COVID19 recovery.

The webinar will consist of the following presentations followed by a common Q&A session:

  • Investments in biomass supply chains that could contribute to the post-COVID19 recovery: economic growth, jobs, resilient and cleaner energy systems
    Biljana Kulisic, Energy Institute Hrvoje Pozar, Croatia
    Heather MacDonald, Canadian Forest Service, Natural Resources Canada
  • Covid-19 impacts on a biomass supply chain: Lessons learned from a SE US woody biomass case study
    Keith Kline, Climate Change Science Institute & Center for Bioenergy Sustainability, Oak Ridge National Laboratory USA

Bruno Gagnon, Senior Science and Policy Analyst, Canadian Forest Service, Natural Resources Canada, will moderate the webinar.

Participant Information

For more information and a description of the webinar, please see the poster.


  • 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm Central European Summer Time
  • 10:00 am - 11:30 am North American Eastern Daylight Time
  • 3:00 pm - 4.30 pm British Summer Time

Contact Address

ETA-Florence Renewable Energies
Ernesto Lucarelli