ISGAN Regulatory Sandbox 2.0 International Knowledge Exchange Workshop 2

15. March 2021
Online, AT

The objective of the project is to facilitate a structured and learning-focused knowledge exchange on sandbox programs and similar measures of regulatory experimenting in different countries.


International Smart Grid Action Network (ISGAN)

In this project representatives from four ISGAN annexes join forces:  

  • ISGAN Annex 2 (Case Studies)
  • ISGAN Annex 4 (Policy Insights)
  • ISGAN Annex 7 (Transitions) and
  • ISGAN Annex 8 (ISGAN Academy)

Content Description

The aim of ISGAN Regulatory Sandboxes 2.0 is to facilitate learning about what works and what can be improved in the design, implementation, and reflection of regulatory sandboxes. 

International Smart Grid Action Network (ISGAN) is a Technology Collaboration Programme (TCP) for a Co-operative Programme on Smart Grids within the International Energy Agency (IEA). It is also an initiative of the Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM). ISGAN was formally established at the 2nd CEM meeting in Abu Dhabi, in 2011.

Target Audience

The knowledge exchange on Sandboxes 2.0 is designed to facilitate dialogue amongst national policy makers in ministries and agencies in charge of climate & energy policy, innovation policy; regulatory bodies; R&D funding agencies; law makers; researchers and innovators.

Furthermore, stakeholders from the international level such as Clean Energy Ministerial, Mission Innovation, International associations of energy regulators, IEA and European Commission are invited to participate.

Participant Information


The 2nd workshop of the Sandbox 2.0 workshop series will take place on March 15, 13:00 - 16:00 CET


Please contact Anna Wang, Austrian Institute of Technology for registration:

Contact Address

Anna Wang