Workshop: Life in the Fast Lane - Evolving Paradigms for Mobility and Transportation Systems of the Future
Experts' Group on R&D Priority-Setting and Evaluation (EGRD)
Content Description
This workshop will focus on the evolving paradigms for future mobility and transportation systems in North America and around the world. The workshop's goal ist to identify novel approaches, research, development, and demonstration (RD&D) needs, gaps, and opportunities that, if supported, could accelerate the pace of innovation and facilitate market uptake and transformation. This will be accompanied by a discussion of the potential barriers and various strategies that could address them. The workshop will illuminate a broad range of topics regarding technology, research and innovation, all aimed at decarbonizing future transportation systems.
Target Audience
In addition to EGRD national experts, we are seeking input from RD&D decision-makers, strategic planners, and program managers from industry, academia, think tanks, national laboratories, and government.
Participant Information
Participation is only possible after invitation. Interested parties are invited to contact Diana Louis.
Contact Address
International Energy Agency
Diana Louis
Energie- und Umweltagentur NÖ
Dr. Herbert Greisberger