Workshop: The Role of Storage in Energy System Flexibility

22. - 23. Oktober 2014
German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs
Scharnhorststraße 34-37, 10115 Berlin, DE

This workshop will focus on the evolving nature of the grid, with the goal of identifying novel approaches, RD&D needs, other areas not well covered but needing attention, and innovative case studies related to electricity storage in a flexible electricity grid of the future.


IEA's Experts Group on Energy R&D and Priority Setting (EGRD)


Content Description

Meeting Scope

The workshop will address a broad range of topics concerned with innovation and R&D strategies for energy storage and electricity grid enhancement with a focus on how best to welcome the inclusion of variable energy sources.

With input from speakers representing various actors, sectors, and regions, the workshop will result in a summary report, posted publicly, that identifies challenges concerning energy storage and energy grids, highlights a broad sampling of activities underway in various countries and technology sectors, identifies priorities and gaps in current programs for RD&D planners, and suggests a number of areas in the innovation arena needing public policy attention.


Questions to be addressed by the participating technology experts include:

  • How are governments and power-managing institutions innovating to address the grid reliability concerns associated with the advent of significant renewable power supply?
  • Which electricity storage technologies are currently used, others emerging as leading innovations for the near-term, and others most promising for the longer-term?
  • What is the current status of battery technology in a grid-context?
  • What are the ways in which such devices be integrated into the energy market?
  • What are high-priority grid storage RD&D needs, gaps, and opportunities?
  • What other technical needs (e.g., safety) are not being well addressed today?
  • What policy innovations are most effective in mobilising energy storage innovation?
  • Does the regulatory framework need adjustment for a better stimulation and integration of energy storage technologies?
  • Can the grid be treated separately or do mutual interdependencies between electricity-, gas- and heat markets lead to technical advantages and/or economic benefits?
  • Which primary technological limitations and barriers need to be overcome to make energy storage more beneficial to power utilities?
  • Does the IEA-framework of Implementing Agreements need adjustments to tackle all aspects of necessary co-operation?


Target Audience

In addition to EGRD national experts, we are seeking input from RD&D decision-makers, strategic planners, and program managers from industry concerned with energy storage systems technologies related to electrical grids.

Participant Information

Participation is by invitation only.

Contact Address

International Energy Agency
Tel: +33 (1) 40 57 65 00