Workshop: Hydrogen and Fuel Cell in a Future Sustainable Energy System
BMVIT, Federal Ministry of Transportation, Innovation and Technology
Energieverwertungsagentur - the Austrian Energy Agency (E.V.A.)
CD-Labor Brennstoffzellensysteme (University of Technology, Graz)
Content Description
In the last few years the research topics "hydrogen" and "fuel cells" achieved major importance in the R&D priorities and R&D policies of leading world economies (U.S.A., Japan, EC) and leading international NGOs (like the IEA - International Energy Agency).
In the present discussion high expectations and perspectives are expressed that hydrogen and fuel cells will contribute significantly to the goals of energy policy such as: security of supply, economics and sustainability. The following activities support this trend:
- The formation of a "Hydrogen Coordination Group" by the International Energy Agency (IEA) since June 2003,
- the constitution of the "International Partnership for Hydrogen Economy (IPHE)" initiated by the United States (since November 2003),
- the establishment of the "European Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology Platform" by the European Commission (most likely in January 2004),
- bilateral RTD (Research and Technology Developement) agreements between the U.S.A. and the EC, and
- increased RTD budgets for world-wide RTD programs (e.g. the U.S. intends to spend up to 300 Mio USD in 2004).
These strong positions caused the E.V.A., the Austrian Energy Agency in co-operation with BMVIT (the Federal Ministry for Transportation, Innovation and Technology), PROFACTOR and CD-Laboratory for Fuel Cells to organise this international workshop initiating a discussion process in Austria in order: to break down and to transfer latest European Commission (EC) and international priorities to relevant stakeholders and to achieve a common understanding in Austria for future positions and activities among the different industrial companies, public authorities (incl. NGOs) and scientific bodies. The contents of the two days workshop emphasises on the following key aspects:
Target Audience
This workshop is especially addressed to decision makers from the public sector (federal state and provinces), involved industrial representatives, NGOs, researchers from universities/colleges and other stakeholders.
Contact Address
Tanya Poli-Narendja
E.V.A., the Austrian Energy Agency