Smart Grids Pionier region Upper Austria
Publisher: BMVIT
English, 6 pages
Content Description
Intelligent (smart) electricity grids capable of merging renewable sources of energy with established facilities by means of new technologies and ICT solutions are seen as the key to an efficient, sustainable energy supply system. The long-term strategy for Smart Grid activities in Upper Austria is summed up in the acronym Max|RES (Maximum Renewable Energy Sources). Further development and implementation are to be pushed ahead in close cooperation between the two key players, Energie AG Oberösterreich and LINZ AG, with support from the Federal Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology (BMVIT) and the Austrian Climate and Energy Fund (Klima- und Energiefonds) in the context of research initiatives.
Energybase - Integrated Planning of a sustainable Office Building - STRATEGY
Max|RES - Maximum Renewable Energy Sources for Upper Austria - PROJECT
Modules for realizing the Smart Grids Pionier region Upper Austria - PROJECTINFO
R&D - Projects and project partners - Figures / Data / Facts