CircularFood - High-quality products through cascading recycling cycles of residual materials from the food industry

The CircularFood project investigates the material and energetic cascading use of organic food residues from Austrian food production. The aim is to develop innovative processes for the extraction of high-quality protein components, liquid biofertilizers, organic plant substrates and peat substitutes in order to promote the circular economy and reduce CO2 emissions.

Short Description

Starting point / motivation

In Austria, 1.3 million tons of unavoidable organic by-products from food processing are produced every year. These residues, which have so far mainly been used as animal feed and for biogas production, represent valuable, regionally available resources with high-quality protein components. The CircularFood research project has set itself the goal of using innovative processes to recycle these food by-products.

Methodological approach

As part of the project, a special focus is placed on the development and optimization of technologies for protein recovery from residual materials. An oscillating extraction reactor is used here, which offers outstanding properties for increasing efficiency. In addition, membrane distillation is used for ammonium recovery and the production of liquid biofertilizer.

Expected results

Another aspect of the CircularFood project is the consideration of the planned peat phase-out in Austria and the increasing demand for peat-reduced organic substrates in commercial horticulture. The development of locally available peat substitutes from residual materials will enable sustainable self-sufficiency for farms.
In addition to technical innovations and ecological assessments, the project is also investigating which existing tools and databases can be used for possible digital traceability of residual materials to products. The aim is to optimize the entire value chain and ensure transparent traceability.
The CircularFood project also aims to evaluate the overall balance through detailed material and energy balances, carbon sequestration potential considerations and life cycle analyses. The aim is to determine whether the project's circular approach can be considered "net zero" or even "negative emissions".

Project Partners

Project management

DIin Bettina Muster-Slawitsch

Project partners

  • BDI - BioLife Science GmbH
  • BioBASE GmbH
  • Universität für Bodenkultur Wien - Institut für Bodenforschung
  • Universität für Bodenkultur Wien - Institut für Lebensmitteltechnologie
  • BRAU UNION Österreich Aktiengesellschaft
  • FZ Development GmbH (Frutura)
  • ICT Impact GmbH
  • Institut für Industrielle Ökologie
  • Josef Manner & Comp. Aktiengesellschaft (
  • Landwirtschaftskammer Steiermark
  • Resch & Frisch Holding GmbH
  • smart bioservices GmbH (Biogest)
  • Terra Green GmbH