Circular Economy Funding
Short Description
The prerequisite for "circular economy funding" was defined as being related to the
- intensification of product use,
- optimized use of resources, and/or
- closing of material cycles (which corresponds to the operational goals of the FTI-Initiative Kreislaufwirtschaft).
Since, in addition to dedicated circular economy funding, there are also funding schemes that are potentially suitable for these topics even though they may not be required, three categories were defined: Circular Economy Grants (Category 1); Grants not exclusively for Circular Economy, but related to specific topics or focus areas within this field (Category 2); and Potential Circular Economy Grants (without focus areas or mention of these topics in the solicitation documents) (Category 3). Basic grants and grants directed at renewable energy were excluded.
As "reference region", the grants were classified according to whether a submission is to be made at federal state level (regional), to a national (Austrian) body or to an EU body. This classification also corresponds to the location of potential applicants, but not necessarily to the origin of the funding itself.
Since the surveyed funding is located at different levels (from individual calls for proposals to entire
programs), it is not possible to directly compare the different regions with regard to the funding of
Circular Economy initiatives. A comparison of the dedicated budgets or funding amounts spent in
previous years would be suitable for this purpose, but this was only possible to a limited extent due to the lack of figures for some funding lines.
The database can be accessed at
Förderungen in der Kreislaufwirtschaft

In diesem Projekt wurden mittels online-Recherchen und Expert:innen-Befragungen Förderungsmöglichkeiten für Projekte und Maßnahmen im Bereich Kreislaufwirtschaft gesammelt und in eine Datenbank überführt, die zur Suche geeigneter Förderungsschienen dient.
V. Reinberg, M. Wirth, M. Lorbek, J. Kisser
Publisher: BMK
German, 28 Seiten