Net-Zero Cement: Building a Sustainable Future

19. March 2025, 11:00–12:40 CET

Join this webinar where leading innovators and industry experts will showcase solutions, from alternative materials and carbon capture technologies to innovative production processes. Discover how we can pave the way to a net-zero future.


Net-Zero Industries Mission

Content Description

The cement industry is responsible for 4% of global greenhouse gas emissions. Decarbonising the sector is particularly challenging — while one-third of emissions stem from energy use, two-thirds are a result of unavoidable chemical reactions during limestone processing. Despite these challenges, cement remains crucial for economic development and for building the clean energy infrastructure necessary for a sustainable future.



Preliminary Agenda

Begin: 11:00am CET

  • Welcome Note and Introduction – Net-Zero-Industries Mission
  • Keynote on Decarbonising the Cement and Concrete Industry
  • How "Carbon2Business" is Transforming Cement Industry
    Florian Kleinwächter, BDM CCUS at Holcim Germany
  • "Limestone Calcined Clay Cement"
    Anne Dekeukelaere, ED Centre for Worldwide Sustainable Construction (CWSC) at Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland
  • "Solar Clinker"
    Dr. Davide Zampini, Cemex VP of Global Research & Development
  • Ending Note

End of webinar: 12:40pm CET 

Participant Information

Participation is free of charge. Learn more about the event and register here: 

NIM Industry Insights Series – Net-Zero Cement: Building a Sustainable Future – Net-Zero Industries Mission

Contact Address

Net-Zero Industries Mission
Oxana Schmidt