Net-Zero Cement: Building a Sustainable Future

19. March 2025, 11:00–12:40 CET

The cement industry accounts for 4% of global greenhouse gas emissions. Decarbonising the sector is challenging—one-third of emissions stem from energy use, while two-thirds result from unavoidable chemical reactions in limestone processing. Despite this, cement remains vital for economic development and building the clean energy infrastructure needed for a sustainable future.


Net-Zero Industries Mission

Content Description

The cement industry is responsible for 4% of global greenhouse gas emissions. Decarbonising the sector is particularly challenging — while one-third of emissions stem from energy use, two-thirds are a result of unavoidable chemical reactions during limestone processing. Despite these challenges, cement remains crucial for economic development and for building the clean energy infrastructure necessary for a sustainable future.

Join us for a webinar where leading innovators and industry experts will showcase solutions, from alternative materials and carbon capture technologies to innovative production processes. Discover how we can pave the way to a net-zero future.


Preliminary Agenda

Begin: 11:00am CET

  • Welcome Note and Introduction – Net-Zero-Industries Mission
  • Keynote on Decarbonising the Cement and Concrete Industry 
  • How “Carbon2Business” is Transforming Cement Industry, Florian Kleinwächter, BDM CCUS at Holcim Germany
  • “Limestone Calcined Clay Cement”, Anne Dekeukelaere, ED Centre for Worldwide Sustainable Construction (CWSC) at Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland
  • “Solar Clinker”, Dr. Davide Zampini, Cemex VP of Global Research & Development
  • Ending Note

End of webinar: 12:40pm CET 

Participant Information

Participation is free of charge. Learn more about the event and register here: 

NIM Industry Insights Series – Net-Zero Cement: Building a Sustainable Future – Net-Zero Industries Mission

Contact Address

Net-Zero Industries Mission, Oxana Schmidt