The European Recycling Conference 2023
- European Recycling Industries Confederation
- Denuo
Content Description
This year, EURIC is teaming up with DENUO, the Belgian waste management and recycling federation, to shine a spotlight on car recycling. Why? The automotive industry is going through a major revolution. By 2035 - practically tomorrow in terms of industrial value chains - combustion engine vehicles will be phased out and replaced by electric vehicles (EVs). This transition will have a significant impact on all the players involved, considering that the industry provides 12.6 million direct and indirect jobs in the EU. Recycling is no exception.
At the European Recycling Conference (ERC) 2023, participants can expect to hear from top-level speakers from both industry and policy making. These experts will update the audience on the latest economic and policy aspects resulting from these radical changes.
But there's more to the ERC than just a conference. This year, it will be focusing on networking opportunities. After the half-day conference, participants will have the opportunity to engage with fellow attendees during a networking dinner.