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Integration of wind energy by load management
Simulation of optimal strategies to integrate wind energy in Austria and Germany under consideration of load management to maximize the resulting CO2-savings.
Hydrogen from renewables in Austria - an energy carrier of the future?
Renewable hydrogen in Austria: Future perspectives for the production and use of hydrogen from renewable energy in Austria with the identification of projects to demonstrate the role of renewable hydrogen in an efficient and flexible energy system.
Integration methods for solar heat into industrial production processes
The project aims at the development of integration methods for solar heat into industrial production process with batch operations as typical for SMEs
Integration of renewable energy sources for district heating in cities
Portfolio of technologies and action plan for the integration of renewable energy sources for district heating in cities and for enhancing the total efficiency of the supply chain from energy input to energy service.
"Leitbilder" in "energy regions" or how to co-ordinate technical change
In three Austrian regions, which call themselves "energy regions", the processes leading to the formulation of common visions or "leitbilder" is analysed and the impact is assessed such "leitbilder" can have on technical change on the regional scale. On this basis and with help of external consulters adapted communication and network strategies are developed and examined with regard to transferable elements.
Development of agitation systems in biogas plants in order to optimize mixing-behaviour and to reduce energy demand with the help of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulation
The purpose of this project is the investigation of the mixing-behaviour and performance of the agitation systems in biogas plants, and to present them through Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulation. This EDP-tool can model and predict the actual fluid dynamics in a closed system. Thus it may help to plan optimal reactor geometries, position and combination of agitation systems as well as to minimize the energy requirements.
Sustainable quarter "Aspern"
The development concept for the new quarter in Vienna (a former airfield) demands a great deal of sustainability: overall energy strategy, sustainability criteria as financial incentives for applicants for building permits and construction of sustainable and energy efficient buildings.
ECO-MOVER - Development of an energy-optimized photovoltaic-system
The purpose of the project is the development of an ECO-Mover, an innovative photovoltaic-technology together with corresponding system components. The entire R&D process encloses the energetic optimisation of the photovoltaic technology as well as the development of essential components.
Applications of the synthesis gas from biomass gasification - polygeneration
Polygeneration based on biomass gasification offers a great variety of applications of the synthesis gas. A fundametnal study will be carried out to assess technical as well as economical and ecological possible routes to produce synthetic products.
Renewable energy in Austria: Modelling possible development trends until 2020
The project investigates possible economic, social and environmental effects of a sustainable energy policy. Within a participatory modelling process a sustainability model is used to simulate different energy scenarios (with a focus on renewable energy technologies) for Austria until 2020.
Fair market conditions for virtual power plants
Analysis of technical, economical and regulatory conditions to get fair terms under competition in the liberalised market for virtual power plants on renewable energy basis.
Direct feeding system for biogas plants
The aim of this project is to develop an energy- and cost-saving direct feeding system for biogas plants, which deals with differing types of substrates and sizes of plants. Furthermore it solves previous logistical problems.
FT-Biofuels in Austria
Development of a realistic concept for the production of Fischer-Tropsch-fuels from biomass in a size of about 200.000 to/a in Austria. Comprehensive evaluation of this concept with respect to available biomass resources, and economical and ecological benefits.
Regional acceptance of biogas power plants - suitability and availability of energy-plants
Development of an calculation tool for future biogas power plant operators and planners to check the regional acceptance of their power plants as well as possible energy-plants and their availability.
Valuation models for future energy clusters considering market, technology and policy uncertainty - Case Study Biomass
Market liberalization, technological change and increasing complexity of international policy processes (e .g. climate negotiations) necessitate new approaches to evaluating investments in an uncertainty and risk-augmented framework. This project developed valuation methods from financial theory - such as real options valuation and portfolio optimization - to quantify the relative competitiveness of bioenergy chains and total energy systems.
Multifunctional energy solutions in tourism
Multifunctional energy solutions for the tourism-region Alpendorf: Increasing energy efficiency, use of renewables, organisation measures considering existing cooperations.
Multifunctional Energy Centre Kötschach-Mauthen - model-system to achieve energy-self-sufficiency
Development of concepts for a multifunctional Energy Centre (biomass district heating und biogas polygeneration for the supply of heat, electricity, process heat, cooling and biofuels) and for a "Öko-Energietourismus" for the community of Kötschach-Mauthen on the way to energy-self-sufficiency
Multi-purpose apparatus for dedusting and ventilation of flue-gas from biomass-fired boilers
The multi-purpose apparatus is cheaper and requires less material and space. Less power consumption because of utilistion of the cyclone vortex in the induced draft fan.
Heat in containers
Storage of industrial waste heat in latent heat storage systems (common transport containers). Use of the heat in commercial enterprises and public or private buildings with integration of conventional energy suppliers. Technical and financial feasibility study.