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Energiesysteme der Zukunft

Energy services for the optimised summer utilization of district heating systems

Development of practicable energy services for the summer utilization of district heating systems with reference to existing technologies to improve the efficiency and potentialities for the integration of renewable energy.

Energiesysteme der Zukunft

Technology, logistics and economy of large-scale fermentation gas facilities on the basis of biogenous waste

Examination of the logistic, technological and economic feasibility of large-scale fermentation gas facilities. Development of solutions for substrate procurement, plant technology, utilization of the organic remainders of the facilities and poly generation in combination with industrial plants.

Energiesysteme der Zukunft

Sustainable energy supply for Austria

Rapidly increasing energy consumption and decreasing resources of fossil fuels lead to dramatical economical, ecological and social problems.This study identified the feasible long term potential of renewable energy sources. Then ways were developed how to supply the demand for future energy consumption with renewable energy sources, despite increasing energy services.

Energiesysteme der Zukunft

Flexible package for the plastic solar cell

Development of a flexible package for the plastic solar cell.

Energiesysteme der Zukunft


By establishing regionally best situated logistic centers it shall be guaranteed that in all of Styria transport and processing costs will be reduced and that a continual supply of biomass firewood of constant quality is ensured.

Energiesysteme der Zukunft

Pellets furnaces of the future - "Pelletvergaserkessel 2010"

During the utilisation of biomass as primary energy source in the small-scale presently the CO-, NOx- and particulate emissions are higher than e.g. for natural gas. The planned development will decrease the emissions from pellets furnaces significantly and will define a new state-of-the-art combustion.

Energiesysteme der Zukunft

Conception of innovative business models for active integration into network of decentraliced units for consumers and producers

Conception of economically and technically reasonable business models for network operators, producers as well as end users who have the chance to come into operation in active distribution networks until 2050.

Energiesysteme der Zukunft

Energy center for the production of heat, power, substitute natural gas and liquid biofuels

The project deals with the production of synthesis gas from biological fuels and biological residues using steam blown gasification. This synthesis gas will be used for polygeneration especially for heat, power, gaseous (substitute natural gas, SNG) and/or liquid fuel production.

Energiesysteme der Zukunft

Self-discharge mechanisms in the vanadium redox battery

The Vanadium Redox Battery is an attractive solution to uninterrupted power supply applications. The battery is very robust and easy to use and an overall efficieny of >85% would be achieveable under conditions when self-discharge is minimized.

Energiesysteme der Zukunft

Optimisation of logistics for different supply and distribution systems at large biogas plants

Technological and economic analysis and suggestions for the continual improvement of logistics for the supply and disposal of material at biogas plants.

Energiesysteme der Zukunft

Polygeneration of bioethanol, biogas, electricity and heat through operating community Sun Power Plant Project GesbR.

Analysis of the economic feasibility of fuel-bioethanol production in the region Harmansdorf/Rückersdorf (NÖ), partner of Leaderregion "10 vor Wien", incorporating innovative combinations with biogas and process heat supplying plants considering also lignocellulosic material as feedstock for bioethanol- and biogas production.

Energiesysteme der Zukunft

Sustainable product service for raising the energy efficiency of injection moulding machines for plastics

Performing a feasibility study of establishing a sustainable product service for raising the energy efficiency of injection moulding machines for plastics via analysing the basic organizational and technical conditions.

Energiesysteme der Zukunft

Compatibility of sustainability and economic efficiency of bioethanol production with a special focus on small-sized ethanol plants

Scientific investigation of compatibility of sustainability and economic efficiency of bioethanol production with a special focus on small-sized ethanol plants. Improvement of energetic efficiency by integration of residuals from feedstock- and bioethanol production.

Energiesysteme der Zukunft

Potential for Growth and Exports of Renewable Energy Systems

Evaluation of mid- and longterm potential for growth and exports in various sectors of renewable energy systems. Analysis of corresponding impacts on employment and value added in Austria. Recommendations for research- and technology development.

Energiesysteme der Zukunft

KOMEOS - Konzeption von Modellen multifunktionaler Energiezentren für die Ost-Steiermark

Within the region of East-Styria a variety of so-called regional multifunctional energy centers have been designed for selected location which can be characterized by generating renewable energy and additional products or services. Identification of optimum set-up of energy centers. General recommendation for implementation.

Energiesysteme der Zukunft

Legal, economical and technical preconditions for the feed-in of biogas into the Austrian natural gas grid

Legal, economical and technical preconditions for a successful introduction and market development of fermentation gas feed-in to the Austrian natural gas grid. Appropriate legal and financial support regulations. Calculation basis for demonstration plants.

Energiesysteme der Zukunft

Innovative Concepts for Pumped Storage in Liberalized Grids

In liberalized grids the requirements for pumped storage equipment rise dramatically. The development of a controllable pump turbine to help stabilize the grid is one of the possible solutions to this problem.

Energiesysteme der Zukunft

Manual to realise initiatives for energy regions of tomorrow

Compilation of the manual to realise initiatives for energy regions of tomorrow; integrating the experiences generated in the winner projects, outcomes of representative energy-projects and the know-how of scientific works; distribution by multiplicators, realization of distribution activities

Energiesysteme der Zukunft

Spatial models as a basis of decision making for the utilisation of regionally available energy potentials for a CO2 neutral satisfaction of the local heat demand

Analytical GIS-methods to model regionally available renewable energy potentials for the evaluation of measures to achieve a CO2-neutral heating and cooling supply.

Energiesysteme der Zukunft

Innovative system for decentralized CHP on basis of biomass gasification with process optimized production of a low-tar producer gas

Tar loads in the producer gas of CHP-plants based on biomass gasification are reduced by primary measures (staged gasification), whereby the possibilities for application are increased.