Development of an business segment called "Waldbiomasseversorgung-SÜDOST" through senior utilization of non active wood

A sharp increase in the Austrian industry's demand for wood, and in particular the rising need of biomass plant operators for energy wood, has led to a fundamental transformation of the timber market from a buyer's to a seller's market. New marketing opportunities in terms of a range of wood energy products, combined with an efficient way of harvesting, have opened up new economic prospects for the forestry industry.

Short Description




Based on comprehensive data collection with regard to forestry capacity and consumer demand, as well as surveys of the specific demands of small forest proprietors, the forestry associations in Carinthia, Styria and Burgenland have developed strategies to significantly increase the usage rate from the current level of approximately 62%. Professional business structures with comprehensive ranges of services, from the purchase of standing timber to expert support for targeted groups of forest proprietors, are a fundamental step towards achieving this goal. Accompanying trust-building measures such as the appraisal of the utilisation potential and the identification of the yield opportunities of an operation or the determination of quality assurance criteria for wood harvesting are indispensable success factors.

A theoretically useable energy wood potential of around 3.5 million solid cubic metres per year is available in the forests of the region covered by the project. The critical question is, however, how much of this quantity can be brought to market under sustainable conditions and within what time frame? Many aspects, such as ownership structure, usage habits, forestry equipment and know-how, economic success, ecological assessment, forestry counseling and the availability of a range of forestry services should all be taken into account. All factors considered it is clear that producing and marketing energy wood is only possible in combination with the mobilisation of all types of round timber production and that only a part of the statistical potential is actually realisable. To achieve this goal, considerable investments in the extension of technical harvesting capacities as well as a sufficient number of skilled personnel will be necessary.

The mobilisation of (energy) wood resources requires intensive counseling, considerable efforts to convince operators and finally also adequate assistance and guidance. This will manifestly lead to additional costs of up to €7.00/scm and more for the supply of additional quantities of wood from small forests. Wood mobilisation also requires communication and information. This is because it will only be possible to bring additional (energy) wood to the market in agreement or through cooperation with the forest proprietors, through their personal decision to increase the utilisation of their forests.

Project Partners

Project management and contact

  • DI Dagmar Karisch-Gierer, LFI Steiermark
  • DI Erich Gutschlhofer, Waldverband Steiermark GmbH

Project and cooperation partners

  • Universität Graz, Institut für Organisation & Entwicklung (Werkvertragspartner)
  • Österreichischer Biomasseverband, Gruppe Steiermark (Werkvertragspartner)
  • Landeskammer für Land- und Forstwirtschaft Steiermark (Werkvertragspartner)
  • Burgenländische Waldverbands GmbH (Werkvertrags- und Finanzierungspartner)
  • Waldverband Kärnten (Finanzierungspartner)
  • Golob Transport GmbH (Finanzierungspartner)
  • Holzbeschaffungs- und Logistik GmbH (Finanzierungspartner)
  • Fuchsluger GmbH (Finanzierungspartner)
  • Hubmann und Polz GmbH (Finanzierungspartner)

Contact Address