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Passivhauswohnen³: Facility Management for Residential Property Developers: A Key to Optimizing the Reduction of Energy and Operation Costs
What soon will be considered "standard" in ecological building must be carried out by the property developer and accepted by the future user. Therefore, in order to assist a smooth implementation of the new passive housing technique and begin the corresponding feedback mechanisms, a specific KMU "quality and incentive model" should be launched. The interrelationship of this model is designed with the property developer as well as the user in mind and aims for lasting "behavior modification" in energy and operational expense consumption.
Transfer of results of the program "Factory of Tomorrow" into the target groups of energy managers and energy consultants
Transfer of results of the program "Factory of Tomorrow" with respect to energy efficiency and increased adoption of renewable energy technologies into the target groups of internal energy managers and external energy consultants. The transfer activities include carrying out a one-day-seminar twice and the preparation of freely available training materials.
IEA HPP Annex 28: Test procedure and seasonal performance calculation for residential heat pumps
Test procedure and seasonal performance calculation for residential heat pumps with combined space heating and heating of tap water - IEA Heat Pump Program Annex 28
IEA SHC Task 32: Advanced Heat Storage Concepts
IEA SHC Task 32 deals with advanced storage concepts for low energy buildings. In the project storages based on phase change materials are used in solar combisystems, in order to reduce the emissions and increase the efficiency of biomass- and gas boilers and to increase the solar fraction
Strategic optimisation of the regulation of air moisture through ventilation systems to reduce energy demand for humidifiers and dehumidifiers
For the validation of coupled room and building component simulations, an analytical solution of this unsteady problem was developed. Finally, a simplified method for determining the humidification and dehumidification demands considering a room's effective moisture capacity was developed.
Agricultural Resources for Biogas Production
Genotypes of energy plants adapted to the location will be identified and specialist crop rotation adapted to the location will be developed. The fermentation process will be optimised and the methane energy model will be advanced. The efficiency of the biogas production will be enhanced.
Interregional Logistics- and Procurement Network for Forest Fuel in Austria
A concept for a cooperative forest fuel supply chain network for a large part of Austria (regions of Salzburg, Upper Austria, Lower Austria, Vienna) is developed in order to minimise transport-, storage- and total system costs while simultaneously increasing supply guarantee for the plants.
Direct Supply with Cold, Heat, Electricity and further Added Values Using Renewable Fuel for Stationary Fuel Cells
Fuel cells can use local resources and provide regional energy support if optimized. BIO-VISION leads to a demo-project.
SUPOSS - Sustainable Power Supply for Supermarkets and Surroundings
Developing technical and business concepts and strategies for a sustainable power supply of supermarkets and local consumers - supply of heat, electric power and cooling energy on the basis of solar energy and solid biomass.
Optimization of methane production - the Methane Energy Value Model
The biogas production from energy crops will be analyzed and optimized. Energy crops are grown in an environmentally friendly and sustainable crop rotation system. The project provides a secure basis of data for the biogas production and utilisation. Farmers will invest more into the biogas technology.
Optimisation of raw material for bio-ethanol production
Selection and development of wheat and triticale cultivars particularly suitable for the requirements of bio-ethanol production also taking into account agronomic needs and properties, feed quality of mash and toxicologic aspects.
Best Biogas Practice
Compilation of guidelines and benchmarks for "best biogas practice" to ensure efficient biogas production. Constitution of an Austrian network including all partners in the biogas production cycle.
The Use of wind energy in skiing regions - Evaluation of the consume of electricity and dissemination of the results of the analysis
Main goals of the project are the analysis of the location Salzstiegl concerning the coverage of their own electricity needs with an already existent windmill as well as a following dissemination of the outcome of the analysis in form of a workshop for all ski lift carriers of Austria.
Efficient biogas processing with membrane technique
Production of natural gas substitute with a newly developed gas permeation technology. Optimization of the process with biogas from energy crops fermentation. Screening of new methods of online product gas quality control.
Virtual Green Power Plant
Preparation and initiation of the implementation of a Virtual Green Power Plant based on renewable energy sources at the Program Responsible Party of oekostrom AG - The conception of a power utility within the Austrian power market.
Development of an innovative business model for large-scale solar thermal plants for industrial and commercial companies
The current project has the aim to develop an innovative business model for large-scale solar thermal plants (> 500 m² collector area) for industrial and commercial companies. This business model offers the energy customer a contractually binding solution in a time frame of 3 to 5 years; also, the energy delivery costs are lower compared to conventional sources.
IEA Bioenergy Task "Thermal Gasification of Biomass"
Obtaining, preparation and circulation of information about international evolutions in the field "thermal gasification of biomass" as well as management of different task emphases.
Micro Gas Turbine
Options needed to achiece energy-self-sufficiency in the district Güssing
Based on the results of the concept "Energy-self-sufficient district Güssing", in this project feasibility studies for a self-sufficient energy- (model) -system on the basis of regional renewable energy sources in the district Güssing will be elaborated. Thereby the second step towards implementation will be done.
Combined heat and power generation with split-logs and power systems
Austria with its large forests is a classical country for biomass use. Heating with split-logs is state-of-the-art for several years, and using combined heat and power systems for small powers to obtain self-sustaining households is an additional utilization.