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Haus der Zukunft


Development of transparent, technical and economic models for medium and high volume residential buildings, with special focus on the non-profit sector. Topics such as generation living, teleworking as well as smart homes are developed in an integrated model, for dense structures as well as pavillons and townhouses. All models follow the three pillars of sustainability.

Stadt der Zukunft

EnErGy Plant Weiz - Renewable energy community Business Park Energy Lane and Factory Lane Weiz

Based on the results of the exploratory study project REC-Businesspark, a demonstrator for a "renewable energy community business park" is to be developed in Weiz. The focus is on the development of innovative operating and tariff models for a redox flow storage system that is integrated into a renewable energy community.

Haus der Zukunft

urban pv+geotherm - Innovative concepts for the supply of large volume buildings/ quarters with PV and geothermal energy

The use of renewable energies in inner city locations is mostly linked to higher costs andconsidered as problematic. The aim of this project was to optimize (cost and energy) heating (and where required, cooling) using geothermic and photovoltaic for an urban, densely-built development area. With the project´s findings it will be easier to ecologically and economically plan the use of renewable energies especially in urban areas.

Stadt der Zukunft

DDM Feldkirchen

Demonstration of digitalization measures in heating networks using the example of Feldkirchen district heating network

Stadt der Zukunft

MehrWertStrom 2030 - PV-Community system - Exploring a participatory pilot project with regional added value for structurally weak regions

The "MehrWertStrom 2030" project analysed the legal, technical, organizational and economic feasibility of PV community joint venture facilities on multi-party buildings including the added value for structurally weak regions and developed innovative solutions related to organization, financing and realization.

Stadt der Zukunft

SonnWende+ Efficient solutions for photovoltaic energy management based on block chain technology

The project deals with the analysis of Blockchain technology in the context of renewable electricity producers and flexibility as enabler for innovative service concepts, tested in the innovation-lab “Energie Innovation Cluster Südburgenland”. The goal is to find new and efficient Blockchain-based solutions for services in energy management and trading in a local level.

Haus der Zukunft

SMARTIES - SMART Innovative Energy Services - Analysis of requirements of smart energy-services

The emerging development of smart grids provides market opportunities for new ICT-based services ("smart value-added services"). Economic and organizational barriers are foreseeable that could affect the establishment of business models and service providers (data formats, connectivity, controllability, etc.). In order to improve the chances especially for new and local actors, SMARTIES proactively tries to eliminate hindrances of innovation.

Haus der Zukunft

SeasonalGridStorage - Innovative seasonale thermal storages for urban district heating grids

Sensible storages, which are currently used in district heating networks for seasonal storage of excess heat (e.g. from solar thermal or industrial waste heat), exhibit high space demand, investment costs and heat losses. Within this project, concepts for using innovative storage technologies, e.g. thermochemical storages (TCS) having high heat densities and enabling pressure- and lossless storage, were developed and analyzed on a technological, economic and ecological basis. Additionally, the regulatory framework has been evaluated.

Stadt der Zukunft

HotCity - Gamification as a possibility to generate data for energy-oriented neighbourhood planning

The aim of the project was a functional test to determine whether an up-to-date data set of energy-oriented data can be collected for neighbourhood planning through gamification, cost-efficiently, quickly and reliably. This had been determined using the example of the potential determination of industrial and commercial waste heat sources in Vienna and Graz.

Stadt der Zukunft

GREENsChOOLENERGY - Development and practical implementation of sustainable solutions for urban hotspots in combination with greening / PV / water

Use of the synergetic effects in the construction of photovoltaic, greening and irrigation systems at the location of HTL1 Klagenfurt Lastenstraße, to optimize the yield of experimental photovoltaic elements and at the same time reduce urban heat islands.

Stadt der Zukunft

Villab – Exploration of a Villach innovation laboratory for the cooperative development of sustainable neighbourhoods

The "Villab - Probe" project serves to check the feasibility of an urban innovation laboratory to accelerate the transformation of Villach districts towards climate neutrality. Assuming positive feasibility, the cooperation with relevant stakeholders will be deepened and a business plan drawn up for a future innovation laboratory.

Stadt der Zukunft

Cooling LEC - Energy-flexible buildings by controlling cooling systems via unidirectional communication in local energy communities

As a result of climate change and the rise in temperature, especially due to the increase in active cooling systems, especially at low-voltage level, new challenges are being posed to the electricity system (in particular to the distribution network). Due to the high electrical input of active cooling units and the high density of plants, which are sometimes operated uncoordinated and at unfavorable times, leads to peak consumption in the system. The project Cooling LEC therefore has as its overall objective the development and demonstration of a central control / intelligence of decentralized active cooling systems by further developing the unidirectional communication of ripple control systems to create energy-flexible buildings in the sense of the new approach of "Local Energy Communities" by creating a "special tariff". Ripple control systems have been established for many decades and are available and proven by all energy suppliers. The upscaling potential is very big.

Haus der Zukunft

EDEN - Developement of a structured data and preparation documentation with a minimized error-proneness for energy performance cerificates.

Current energy performance certificates hold major flaws. Therefore, the presented research initiative aimed at the development of a standardized and easy-to-use, generic Input-Data-Documentation, which ensures the quality of energy certificates for all involved stakeholders. During the development, the documentation had been conducted and for a chosen sample of representative buildings, which is expected to demonstrate the high potential of such a development.

Stadt der Zukunft

P2PQ - Peer2Peer im Quartier

The research project Peer2Peer im Quartier deals with applications optimizing the selfconsumption of PV-generated energy within urban quarters by enabling peer-to-peer relations among energy prosumers based on Blockchains. Aim is to develop and validate these applications in real operation.

Stadt der Zukunft

Repair & Do-It-Yourself Urbanism (R&DIY-U)

The project follows the aim to analyze and to strengthen the transformative potential of Repair & Do-It-Yourself Urbanism with regard to a fundamental change of the existing poor sustainable handling of commodities in selected urban districts, their infrastructures and dominant business and private household practices into resilient areas.

Stadt der Zukunft

UrbanEnergyCells - Requirements for the implementation of energy cells in future energy system designs

The transformation of the currently hierarchical electricity system into a renewable, decentralized electricity system poses major challenges for the actors in the energy industry and society. Most of the installed decentralized renewable energy sources are installed in rural areas, due to easier legal implementation and shorter decision-making pathways. However, the energy density in urban areas is significantly higher, resulting in a transport of electrical energy to the consumption centers.

Stadt der Zukunft

ENUMIS - Energetic effects of urban manufacturing in the city

The project examines the challenges of urban manufacturing (UM) from the energy perspective and shows opportunities arising from the implementation of UM concepts for the future design of sustainable energy systems for cities.

Stadt der Zukunft

ÖKO-OPT-QUART - Economically optimized control and operating mode of complex energy networks of future city districts

In the project ÖKO-OPT-QUART energy-based, economic and control-orientated models will be developed in order to simulate the operating mode of complex, sustainable energy networks in city districts. For an exemplary configuration these models will be combined to an overall model which allows a realistic economic comparison of different control strategies. The final goal of the project is the development of a method for the systematic design of cost-optimized, predictive control strategies for complex energy networks in city districts.

Stadt der Zukunft

RENEWnow - New impulses for the highly efficient energetic renovation of multi-storey buildings and districts

Exploration of an innovative approach for the highly efficient renovation of apartment buildings in Austria. The aim is to develop a new service model (one-stop shop) for property managers and owner associations through a targeted, novel mix of technical and non-technical measures.

Stadt der Zukunft

Smart Pölten 2.0 Holistic view on a Vertical Farm in preparation for a demonstration project for the city of St. Pölten

The city of St. Pölten forsees great potential in Vertical Farming with regard to the objectives related to the concept of the Smart City program - linking local food production, quality of life by reducing resource consumption. This has to be evaluated by combining Vertical Farms with existing living buildings. Eco-social and socio-economic considerations play an important role in this process.