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Haus der Zukunft

BIMaterial Process Design for Material Building Pass

Building Information Modelling supported compilation of a Material Building Pass; as a qualitative and quantitative documentation of the material composition of, and the material distribution within, a building structure. This project is a central milestone towards standardized, BIM-generated building material passes.

Stadt der Zukunft

BTTAB - Broad-based testing of energy-efficient demonstration buildings with thermally activated building components

Buildings with thermal building component activation that have not yet been researched in as many federal states and application categories as possible will be monitored, which will include operating data as well as the experiences of those involved. The aim of this study is to take a general look at the various applications of the thermal building component activation technology and to evaluate and compare the pilot projects with the help of suitable evaluation criteria.

Stadt der Zukunft

P2PQ - Peer2Peer im Quartier

The research project Peer2Peer im Quartier deals with applications optimizing the selfconsumption of PV-generated energy within urban quarters by enabling peer-to-peer relations among energy prosumers based on Blockchains. Aim is to develop and validate these applications in real operation.

Stadt der Zukunft

Piezo-Klett: Development of piezoelectric hook-and-loop application for the energy supply of active sensor technology in the building industry

The present project considered buildings, parts of buildings and their joints (component nodes) as energy generators by using the hook-and-loop fastener in combination with the piezoelectric effect to perform a so-called energy harvesting.

Stadt der Zukunft

UrbanEnergyCells - Requirements for the implementation of energy cells in future energy system designs

The transformation of the currently hierarchical electricity system into a renewable, decentralized electricity system poses major challenges for the actors in the energy industry and society. Most of the installed decentralized renewable energy sources are installed in rural areas, due to easier legal implementation and shorter decision-making pathways. However, the energy density in urban areas is significantly higher, resulting in a transport of electrical energy to the consumption centers.

Stadt der Zukunft

digiactiv - digital transformation for more interactivity in MEP-(mechanical, electrical and plumbing-)planning

The aim of the digiactiv project is to improve the interoperability between the different stakeholders in the building construction sector using open and neutral semantic data models. With digital transformation processes, digiactiv helps to increase the quality of planning and the operation of buildings, as well as to minimize the interface risk between various stakeholders.

Stadt der Zukunft

scaleFLEX - Scalable method for optimizing the energy flexibility of districts

Development of a decentrally organized automation method for improving the demand-side flexibility options of buildings and districts. The utilized data-driven algorithm promise high scalability and therefore low installation and operating costs. The developed method will be validated using different building types (high-tech office buildings, low-tech office buildings, residential buildings).

Haus der Zukunft

StromBIZ - demonstration projects: business models for decentralized electricity generation and distribution

Feasible business models to utilize locally generated renewable energy are expected to induce a tipping point for the "Energy Turnaround" in Austria. Within the proposed project a number of demonstration PV plants on residential and non-residential buildings had been realized. On this basis new approaches of business cases had been developed, implemented, tested and disseminated.

Stadt der Zukunft

lowTEMP4districtheat - Reduction of the system parameters of heating networks for the integration of renewable heat sources using soft sensors

Analysis of the use of soft sensors in addition to selective real measurements for the complete recording of real-time parameters of heating networks. The data obtained enable detailed grid simulations with low computing power requirements and form the basis of a strategy for lowering the grid temperatures and feeding in decentrally generated heat.

Stadt der Zukunft

NETSE - User orientated development of technologies and services for energy communities

In the NETSE project the basics for the implementation of energy communities are developed. This includes the relevant technical equipment and interfaces, the development of a platform for the operation of an energy community as well as tools for the optimization of the technical setup and the operation of energy communities.

Stadt der Zukunft

BIMstocks - Digital Urban Mining Platform: Assessing the material composition of building stocks through coupling of BIM to GIS

The main goal of BIMstocks is the development of a method for the digital capturing of the material composition of the existing building stock for follow up modelling of an Urban Mining Platform as well as for the prediction of the recycling potentials.

Haus der Zukunft

solSPONGEhigh - High solar fraction by thermally activated components in an urban environment

Within this project the intensive use of thermally activated building elements (TABs) as an additional thermal storage in different buildings, with solar technologies (thermal, PV) preferred for energy supply, was investigated. The aim was to activate and use the thermal storage potential that is immanent in the building elements and thereby achieve solar coverage of the building's heat demand of nearly 100 %.

Stadt der Zukunft

COOL-QUARTER-PLUS - GHG-neutral cooling of office and research quarters

Development of systems for the emission-neutral cooling of office, research and urban quarters on the basis of photovoltaic or geothermal energy supply and user integration. Life cycle cost calculations and analyses of grey and operational greenhouse gas emissions allow a holistic assessment.

Stadt der Zukunft

SmallWindPower@Home - Impact assessment of building-mounted small wind turbines on performance, people, building and environment

Within the project SmallWindPower@Home the impact of complex obstacles on the local flow pattern as well as on the inflow and the performance of different building-mounted small wind turbines (SWT) had been evaluated. Furthermore the effects of these building-mounted SWT on the building, the resident people and the direct environment were analysed.

Stadt der Zukunft

INN'FIT4UM - Innsbruck "Fit4UrbanMission" - climate neutral Innsbruck 2030

Cities are the place where decarbonization strategies for energy, transport and buildings intersect. A few years ago, the municipality of Innsbruck set up a Smart City Group consisting of staff from the municipality, IIG, IKB and IVB to address this challenge. The goal of INN'F4UM is to develop a step-by-step plan to achieve climate neutrality for the city by 2030, building on an up-to-date representation of energy and resource flows together with the University of Innsbruck.

Stadt der Zukunft

GeoDatKlim - Preparation of an innovation lab - IoT and geo-AI-supported data management for the climate-neutral city

Preparation of a real laboratory that will enable numerous actors to research the actual benefits of urban data or their AI-supported analysis for a climate-neutral city. By clarifying strategic, technical and legal aspects as well as potential analyses along relevant use cases, the framework conditions for an open, multi-year research environment (real laboratory) in Vienna are set in motion.

Stadt der Zukunft

Ice-storage NEW - New economical ice storage concept for optimized heat storage using heat pumps and peak use of wind power

Development of a technically and economically optimized new ice-storage concept as a thermal wind power peak storage and to improve the performance of heat pumps as a contribution for peak smoothing of the electrical load profile.

Stadt der Zukunft

ÖKO-OPT-AKTIV - Optimised control and operating behaviour of thermally activated buildings in future urban districts

Development and simulation of scalable, distributed control strategies for the use of the storage effect of thermally activated components in buildings of future city districts for their energy supply by an energy centre.

Stadt der Zukunft

SmartControl - Standardized and smart control of municipal energy systems

The aim of the project is to develop a standardized and easy-to-implement procedure for communication, monitoring and control of decentralized technologies within municipal energy communities. Therefore, innovative interfaces and self-learning algorithms will be developed, which will ensure that the concept can be transferred to municipalities or neighborhoods without a great deal of data and measurement effort.

Stadt der Zukunft

GreEnergieausweis AT - Ways of integrating greenery into the Austrian Energy Certificate

Adaption of the calculation models in the energy certificate in such a way that the greening of buildings can be depicted as realistically as possible and assessment of the acceptance of implementation by relevant stakeholders.