Green Market Report Austria Compact - Facts and figures of green roofs and facades industry in Austria

First comprehensive data collection of installed green roof and green facades in Austria and exploration of current challenges and future growth potential für green roof and walls applications involving all stakeholders within the green industries value chain.

Short Description

Acquisition of structural data of the greening industry and quantitative data of green roof and facades technologies applications

Starting point / motivation

Due to climate change challenges green roof and walls technologies become more important for urban development strategies of Austrian cities.

Currently there are no studies available that content comprehensive facts and figures concerning the development of greening technologies and the related industry and value chain in Austria.
Evidence based policies depend on valid data to take the right decisions and to monitor progress in executing policies. IFor the further development of green roofs and walls in Austria it is essential to collect data from Austrian cities and the greening industry about market developments in the past, current challenges and future growth potential.

Contents and goals

This study will close this gap and will collect primary data concerning the Austrian greening industry and green roof and wall markets involving all stakeholders of the greening industries value chain in the data collection process.


The study is organised in six work packages (WP).

WP 1 Preparation of data collection: Main activities are a campaign to identify, inform and attract study participants, creation and test of customer segment specific on-line questionaires, set up of an on-line tool (limesurvey) to conduct the surveys.

WP 2 Execution of the on-line surveys: Distribution of survey links via all available channels of GRÜNSTATTGRAU and its partners (Verband für Bauwerksbegrünung VFB, Gärtnerinnung, ÖGLA, GALABAU Verband). To get sensible market data from key market players a notary is involved, who collects company specific data and hands it over to GRÜNSTATTGRAU in an aggregated and anonymized form. To lift return rates participants will be contacted via phone calls and e-mails
WP3 Primary data processing: Primary data will be screened and processed for further interpretation. Data from different sources will be cross-checked for plausibility.

WP4 Expert interviews: Based on the interpretation of primary data results will be analysed and double checked with experts within the greening industry to assure the quality and validity of the conclusions.

WP 5 Writing report: Facts and figures created througout the study will be put together in a report. Main results will be illustrated with meaningful tables and infographics.

WP 6 Project management: To ensure the completation of the study within the agreed timetable an agile project management approach will be applied.

Expected results

The report will deliver a comprehensive set of facts and figures, which will describe the development of the green roofs and walls technologies in the last years, the current status of the indústry and its value chain as well as the current status of greening technologies as an instrument of urban developers to adapt cities for climate change challenges.

Project Partners

Project management

  • Grünstattgrau Forschungs- und Innovations GmbH
    Vera Enzi & Susanne Formanek, Geschäftsführerinnen

Project- or Cooperation partners

  • IMG Innovation-Management-Group GmbH
    Manfred Peritsch, Geschäftsführer

Contact Address

GRÜNSTATTGRAU Forschungs- und Innovations GmbH
Favoritenstraße 50, A-1040 Wien
Tel.: +43 650 634 96 31