All Projects

Here you can find all Research, Technology and Development (RTD) Projects from previous calls for tenders in the frame of the program "City of Tomorrow".

There are 83 results.

Haus der Zukunft

solSPONGEhigh - High solar fraction by thermally activated components in an urban environment

Within this project the intensive use of thermally activated building elements (TABs) as an additional thermal storage in different buildings, with solar technologies (thermal, PV) preferred for energy supply, was investigated. The aim was to activate and use the thermal storage potential that is immanent in the building elements and thereby achieve solar coverage of the building's heat demand of nearly 100 %.

Stadt der Zukunft

ÖKO-OPT-AKTIV - Optimised control and operating behaviour of thermally activated buildings in future urban districts

Development and simulation of scalable, distributed control strategies for the use of the storage effect of thermally activated components in buildings of future city districts for their energy supply by an energy centre.

Stadt der Zukunft

ÖKO-OPT-QUART - Economically optimized control and operating mode of complex energy networks of future city districts

In the project ÖKO-OPT-QUART energy-based, economic and control-orientated models will be developed in order to simulate the operating mode of complex, sustainable energy networks in city districts. For an exemplary configuration these models will be combined to an overall model which allows a realistic economic comparison of different control strategies. The final goal of the project is the development of a method for the systematic design of cost-optimized, predictive control strategies for complex energy networks in city districts.