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Development of methods and procedures to automate the operative production control and scheduling considering the aspects of sustainability
The production order doesn't only influence logistic and operational ratios, but also shows effects on the environment as well as ergonomics and the staff's psychology. Aim of the project was to develop a method to optimize the job order planning in consideration of an integrated evaluation in terms of sustainable economic activity.
Data-based processes for the creation and formulation of production data for complex industrial plants.
Development and evaluation of a process to automatically create models from existing production data of industrial plants. These models can be used to optimize the production process and plant equipment (scrap, quality, use of raw materials and energy) or to detect and predict faults.
Wood-processing employing a superimposition of ultrasonic vibrations
Development of wood-processing techniques employing high-frequency ultrasonic vibrations in terms of applications in the woodworking industry.
De-lacquering as a service
Development of the service of de-lacquering in industrial plants on the basis of pulsed high pressure water with a new, energy efficient high pressure pump. Further possible applications will be searched for and evaluated.
Reduction of Broke in Paper Production
Development of a measurement and control system that detects paper deformation during production. Thus, broke is reduced, significant savings in energy use are achieved, and the economic efficiency is well increased.
Development of a continuous hydrogen-carbon nanofibers production line
With the development of a hydrogen-carbon nanofiber production in a continuous process carbon nanofibers can be produced in an economic way and at the same time access to environmentally friendly hydrogen is enabled.
Chemistry, process design and sustainable economic development
The results of this project were to deliver the basics for chemical process engineering taking into account the requirements of sustainable development. The proposed results will have to be in conformity with ecological, economic and social requirements for sustainability. Hence the processes will mostly be based on renewable resources.
Solar thermal cooling system consisting of a parabolic trough collector field and a steam jet ejector chiller
A solar thermal cooling system consisting of a parabolic trough collector field and a steam jet ejector chiller has been developed. The necessary components were built and tested and finally put together to get an operating pilot plant at the test facility.
Development of a method and an innovative machine for the industrial application of environmentally friendly, mineral oil free lubricants in deep drawing processes
Eliminating the usage of mineral oil based lubricants in deep drawing processes by an innovative machine for clean application of environmentally friendly wax-based forming emulsions.
Production management for sawmills based on flow of material, energy and production orders
A comprehensive planning approach for the short term flow of material, energy and production orders in sawmills in order to improve the value added in the wood supply network.
Essential oils instead of neurotoxic substance - protection from pest by the use of innovative application of pheromones
Corn production in Europe is seriously threatened by a new pest. Highly toxic insecticides are currently the only means of control. Biological signals (Semiochemicals) offer an environmentally friendly alternative, which is yet to be made available for corn as for many other crop plants.
ZERMET - Zero Emission Retrofitting For Existing Textile Plants
Minimisation of the consumption of water, chemicals and energy in the textile industry. Further development of the ZERMEG approach in the form of a questionnaire and application in the textile industry.
Fibre composites with natural adhesive
Developing of suitable bonding agents, fibres and processing technologies for the production of form stable fibre composites made of natural components. Production of prototypes like boards and moulded parts. Material testing.
Semi-manual dismantling of small electric and electronic equipment
Improving the tecnology of manual dismantling processes of small electric and electronical appliances, used in social enterprises. Via software modules, developed do analise dismantling processes, from dismantling-factories to dismantling-parks.
Development of low emission cleaning processes for metal surfaces considering manufacturing processes within the automotive industry
Development of technological optimisation of cleaning processes within the automotive industry which guarantee defined cleaning requirements and fulfil the criteria of a sustainable process design with near zero emissions.
Adjustment of the value chain in the mass-shoe-production to customized production by unitized products and processes
Main topic of the project is the incremental change of business logics in mass shoe production by changing product-push to customer-pull concepts. Results need to integrate the entire supply chain, add value to the brand and its products and contribute to the company's sustainability.
Feasibility concept for a customer-focused and resource-efficient production of wood-products, considering a parquet factory as an example
An innovative approach aiming higher resource-efficiency and added value by using new quality standards and production systems in parquet industry. A customer friendly product will be possible by combining industrial production methods with the flexibilty of a manufacture.
Natural Dyes for the Textile Industry
New cooperations between agriculture und industry are necessary to ensure the utilization of renewable materials. The project´s focus is upon natural dyes and their application in textile industry. The goal of the project is to create a contact institution which connects various suppliers of diverse plant materials, takes on the processing, and standardising of the natural dyes, and makes a product that can be used by the industry.
From an idea to a trade product ready for marketing: Plant dyes for the textile industry.
Development of a comprehensive procedure within the design of high-speed-cutting processes in consideration of environmental protection and occupational health aspects
In the metal working industry high-speed-cutting (HSC) in connection with minimal quantity cooling-lubrication promises a high potential for saving process materials. On the one hand costs of purchase and disposal of metal working fluids (MWF) decrease, on the other hand the reduction of dermal diseases and emissions of MWF-dusts are expected.