Quantitative and qualitative identification of relevant secondary raw material flows in Austria

In the course of the raw material initiative, the European Commission classified a number of elements and basic materials (including rare earth elements, gallium, germanium, platinum group metals and tantalum) as critical raw materials because of their doubtful future access. In order to operate appropriate recycling of these particular critical raw materials, the primary aim of the present project is to identify the waste streams and to investigate their quality and the quantity of critical raw materials. As a basis for presented aim a "Secondary Raw Material Map Austria 2030", which represents the theoretical, the real and in the future reachable potential of this critical secondary raw materials, is developed.

Short Description

For the 14 critical raw materials by COM (2011) 25 final [European Union, 2011b] or after the tender basis of BMVIT (Critical Raw Materials and Potentially Critical Raw Materials Related to Austria) is essentially known, in which applications and product groups they are used today. However, in most cases, it is not clear, in which waste streams they are going to end after using the products. Specific collection systems designed for the detection of these critical raw materials rich commodities only exist in exceptional cases (e.g. vehicle catalysts containing platinum group metals).

In the course of the presented project, special waste streams with critical raw materials are considered. These waste streams, containing specific amount of critical raw materials, have great importance on environmental technology, electronics and communications technology.

Their demand will rise in the next few years. In order to operate the appropriate recycling of these critical raw materials, the primary aim of the present project is to identify waste streams and to investigate their quality and the quantity. Therefore, from different data sources (e.g. EDM, Federal Waste Management Plan, project partners etc.), waste codes for specific waste fractions and mixtures, containing selected critical raw materials, are assigned.

Gathered data is converted into material flow analysis, and the actual state of the potentials and possibilities of recycling is made visible. To perform a detailed consideration over the complete life cycle of the selected products, in order to increase efficiency, specific information on waste generators will be integrated as well as data on the required quantity and quality of the secondary raw materials, disassembly instructions etc. This ensures that different industries, such as the manufacturing industry and waste management is interlinked and the results of design, maintenance, disassembly, recycling and recovery methods are included.

Collaterally, a "Secondary Raw Material Map Austria 2030" is designed. Hereby, a comparatively analysis and presentation of the theoretical, the actual and the future achievable potential of selected critical secondary raw materials for the business location Austria is considered. The results obtained are summarized in a secondary raw material roadmap. This map contains descriptions, economic drivers and barriers in relation to logistics, legal issue, technology, economy and environment. Furthermore, recommendations and suggestions for dealing with relevant secondary raw materials are included.

Contact Address

Montanuniversity Leoben
Chair of Waste Processing Technology and Waste Management (AVAW)
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Josef Adam
Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.mont. Roland Pomberger
E-mail: avaw@unileoben.ac.at
Web: http://avaw.unileoben.ac.at/