FABRIKregio - Development, test and spreading of models for the self-evaluation of sustainability at enterprise level under special consideration of regional successful factors

The project provides enterprises with a new self-evaluation model, which serves the purpose to support sustainable decisions. Focal point and innovation are: more active participation of the employees and better consideration of regional economic factors for success.

Short Description




Aim of the project was the development and testing of a model for the self evaluation of Sustainability on enterprise level and the distribution in Austrian enterprises.

Beside the integrative view of social, ecological and economic factors, socio-economic and in particular regional aspects were taken into consideration.

The project will:

  • support Austrian enterprises considering the achievement of sustainability in their enterprises,
  • strengthen the internal communication as well as the potential for innovations in view of the implementation of sustainability by participation of all employees of an enterprise and
  • develop new impulses for the creation of sustainable regional economies in the surroundings of enterprises (in particular in the fields of employment and regional creation of value).

The project concentrates on the topics "self evaluation" and "regional sustainability".

Self evaluation means that the employees themselves evaluate the own enterprise on the basic of economic, ecological, social and communicational criteria from which they deduce measures for improvement.

In this way, the employees become main actors concerning the orientation of their enterprise towards sustainability; they actively contribute to the necessary steps and measures and are responsibly involved in the realization.

Here, the attention of regional aspects is particularly important, because many approaches for sustainable development (increase of the creation of value, closing of material cycles, use of renewable raw materials, combination of production and service, decrease of transport volume etc.) are especially supported by the regional orientation of economy.

Course of the project: At the beginning, an inventory of well-known models for self-evaluation on enterprise level as well as well-known regional concepts and regional indicators for the evaluation of sustainability has been worked out.

In the next project step the new (draft) model for self-evaluation of sustainability on enterprise level was elaborated on basis of the inventories (definition of total structure, course of the project, arrangement of workshops, definition of the aspects which shall be evaluated, draft of working material etc.) and afterwards the model has been tested and revised by carrying through a workshop-series in three pilot enterprises.

Pilot's companies in the project FABRIKregio were:

  • Rogner-Bad Blumau GmbH (Blumau)
  • Umlauft Textilservice GmbH (Klagenfurt)
  • Pago Fruchtsäfte GmbH (Klagenfurt)

As result of the project, the self evaluation model FABRIKregio is presented in this report, including the results from the three pilot enterprises.

Project Partners

Project manager:
Faktor 10 Institut
Dipl.-Ing. Christopher Manstein
Lindengasse 2/14, 1070 Wien
Telefon: 01 958 03 30
Fax: 01 524 68 47-20
Email: manstein@chello.at

Project partner:
Trifolium Beratungsgesellschaft mbH (Deutschland)
Dipl.-Ing. Holger Rohn

Österreichisches Institut für Nachhaltige Entwicklung (ÖIN)
Dr. Alfred Strigl, Mag. Sylvia Brenzel

Rogner-Bad Blumau GmbH
Mag. Bettina Schmid

Pago Fruchtsäfte GmbH Klagenfurt
Ing. Manuela Scharf

Umlauft Textil Service GmbH, Klagenfurt
Mag. Astrid Palla