Conference: Smart Grids Week - Graz 2014

May 19th to 23rd, 2014
Energie Steiermark and CONGRESS GRAZ
Graz, AT

The Smart Grids Week - Graz 2014 aims to significantly contribute to the further development of electricity infrastructures and to link the Austrian Smart Grids activbities with the European initiatives.

Content Description

The Smart Grids Week has established itself as THE place of business for network operators, research and administration in the subject area of smart infrastructures.

The Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology organizes the Smart Grids Week every year in cooperation with one of the main players of the Austrian Smart Grids community - in 2014 it's Energie Steiermark.

From 19th to 23rd May, 2014 approximately 300 national and inter­national experts from industry, research and administration will come together in the CONGRESS GRAZ to share the latest insights and innovative perspectives and to initiate joint projects.

The ninth Smart Grids Week 2014 focuses on the current developments in the technical and economic area of smart grids, as well as on the findings of already implemented demo projects.


Workshops: May 19th, 2014

  • ERA-Net Smart Grids Plus Kick-Off
  • INCREASE-Workshop: "The EU INCREASE project - providing solutions for distributed RES generation from technical issues to test case demonstrations"
  • BMVIT-Workshop: Research Area - Hybrid Energy Networks and Systems

Workshops: May 20th, 2014

  • The ERA-Net Smart Grids Plus "Non-Conference" - Matchmaking and Open Space
  • SPARKS (Smart Grid Protection against Cyber Attacks) Workshop
  • Joint EcoGrid EU/IEA DSM Task 17 Workshop on Demand Side Management: Potentials, Implementations and Experiences
  • 10th Smart Grid Stakeholder Group Meeting

May 21st to 24rd, 2014
International Conference (CONGRESS GRAZ)
(pdf, 1,1M)

Poster Session

Project managers of smart grids research and development projects are kindly invited to present their results, information or other publications in a scientific poster format in the framework of the Smart Grids Week Graz 2014.

Further information:


Conference Guide (pdf, 1,9M)

Presentations May 21st, 2014

The Energy Transition, a Styrian View; Wolfgang Jilek, Province of Styria (pdf, 11M)

The Future of Smart Grid Communications; Kenneth C. Budka, Alcatel-Lucent (pdf, 1,7M)

Energy Management Based on an Infrastructure of Confidence - From Protection Profiles to Innovative Business Models in the Energy Sector; Thomas Weisshaupt, Gemalto M2M GmbH (pdf, 424K)

Smart Grids - Worldwide / Recent European Developments; Per-Olof Granström, EDSO for Smart Grids (pdf, 1,2M)

Smart Regulations - Current Developments in European Energy Regulation; Martin Graf, Energie-Control Austria (pdf, 304K)

Smart Regulations - Current Developments in European Energy Regulation; Werner Friedl, Energie-Control Austria (pdf, 760K)

Strategy Process Smart Grids 2.0 in Austria and Next Steps Embedding in National and European Strategies; Michael Hübner, Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology (pdf, 964K)

Strategy Process Smart Grids 2.0 in Austria and Next Steps Important Players and their Expectations of the Implement­ation Process; Michael Wedler, B.A.U.M. Consult (pdf, 676K)

Strategy Process Smart Grids 2.0 Contribution of the Austrian Energy Sector, Industry and Research: The Technology Roadmap Smart Grids 2020 and the Strategic Research Agenda 2035; Angela Berger, Technology Platform Smart Grids Austria (pdf, 324K)

Strategy Process Smart Grids 2.0 Contribution of the Austrian Energy Sector, Industry and Research: The Technology Roadmap Smart Grids 2020 and the Strategic Research Agenda 2035; Helfried Brunner, Technology Platform Smart Grids Austria (pdf, 184K)

Presentations May 22nd, 2014

The Role of Smart Grids for Cross Energy Management in the Renewable Energy Scenario (2050); Christof Wittwer, Fraunhofer ISE (pdf, 3,5M)

How to Realise the Energy Transition at a Cellular Level; Albrecht Reuter, Smart Grids Platform Baden-Württemberg (pdf, 1,1M)

The Project Energy Bunker and its Role in the Climate Protection Concept "Renewable Wilhelmsburg"; Jan Gerbitz, IBA Hamburg GmbH (pdf, 13M)

How to Tame the Smart Grid - Electrotechnical Standardization - Guidelines for Stakeholders; Richard Valenta, OVE Austrian Electrotechnical Association (pdf, 868K)

Smart Grids as Part of Integral Energy Services; Hannes Zeichen & Matthias Ochs Energie Steiermark Kunden GmbH (pdf, 892K)

E-mobility as an Important Component of Smart Mobility Solutions; Heimo Aichmaier, Austrian Mobile Power (pdf, 688K)

Brief Introduction to the New Swiss Smart Grid Competence Centre "FURIES - Future Swiss Electrical Infrastructure"; Professor Mario Paolone, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (pdf, 680K)

Initiatives for Secure Smart Grids in Europe; Thomas Bleier, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH (pdf, 904K)

Smart Metering - "Who will be the Users of the Smart Energy System; Are Privacy Concerns a Barrier to Further Development?"; Andrea Kollmann, Technology Platform Smart Grids Austria (pdf, 1,1M)

The Use of Hybrid Smart Grids for Clients - Example: Smart City Graz; Mathias Schaffer, Energie Steiermark (pdf, 1,8M)

Smart Grids for Smart Cities - Example: Wien Aspern; Mario Leitner, Wiener Netze GmbH and Gerald Forthuber, Siemens AG Österreich (pdf, 1,1M)

Smart Grids to Reduce Backup Capacities; Wolfgang Prüggler, Technical University Vienna (pdf, 720K)

Smart Energy Services; Roland Hierzinger, Austrian Energy Agency (pdf, 372K)

Fees and Pricing; Simon Moser, Johannes Kepler University Linz (pdf, 268K)

Presentations May 23rd, 2014

MorePV2Grid: Findings on the Way to Realisation; Andreas Abart, Netz Oberösterreich GmbH and Benoit Bletterie, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH (pdf, 1,6M)

Grid Saving Opportunities and Experience in Real Q(U)- Implementation in PV Inverters in Vorarlberg; Christian Elbs, Vorarlberger Energienetze GmbH (pdf, 1,5M)

Management of Renewable Energy Sources in LV and MV Networks, the EU-Project INCREASE; Reinhard Padinger, JOANNEUM RESEARCH (pdf, 408K)

Experience from the IRENE Project (Egrid Applications and Consulting); Robert Köberle, egrid applications & consulting GmbH (pdf, 7,1M)

Coordination of the Reactive Power at the Interface of the HV and MV Grid during Scenarios of Increasingly Dispersed Generation; Albana Ilo and Professor Wolfgang Gawlik,Technical University Vienna (pdf, 1,5M)

The hybrid VPP Concept: Demand Response under Consi­deration of Network-Restrictions; Gregor Taljan, Stromnetz Steiermark and Christoph Gutschi, cyberGRID GmbH (pdf, 1,2M)

Controllable Local Area Network Transformers; Till Sybel, A-Eberle GmbH and Andreas Abart, Netz Oberösterreich GmbH (pdf, 1,8M)

Future Energy Systems Need More Information from the Network - How to Integrate Sensor Technology Cost Efficiently in Existing Local Area Network Stations; Günter Eisenkölbl, 3M Austria GmbH (pdf, 588K)

Experiences with Large Battery Storage (1 MW) at the Swiss Distribution Grid; Alexandre Oudalov, ABB Corporate Research (pdf, 992K)

The Intelligent Secondary Substation; Andreas Dungl, Siemens AG Austria (pdf, 1,9M)

Picture Gallery

Contributions from the poster exhibition

Neuartiges Pilotstrombasiertes Zeitstaffelschutzsystem (pdf, 568K)

Networked control for the smart grid (pdf, 508K)

Smarte Kommunikationsnetze für smarte Energienetzbetreiber (pdf, 264K)

Energieeffiziente und synergetische Umsetzung von Smart Metering (pdf, 1,4M)

Proaktivnetz (pdf, 636K)

Auswirkungen von Fehlern in teilversorgten Erzeuger- und Verbraucherstrukturen (pdf, 68K)

C-Hil Integration für die Entwicklung von Niederspannungsnetz-Regelungssystemen (pdf, 2,2M)

Methods for enhanced automated load shifting analysis (pdf, 580K)

Begleitforschung der Modellregion e-Pendler in Niederoesterreich (pdf, 664K)

Energy risks in cities (pdf, 384K)

Spannungsanalyse in aktiven Verteilernetzen PQube (pdf, 220K)

PV-Eigenverbrauchsmaximierung (pdf, 128K)

500 kHz-PLC - Leistungsfähige Access-Powerline-Kommunikations­strukturen im Smart Grid (pdf, 464K)

Symbiose die Rolle von Speichertechnologien (pdf, 424K)

Empora2 Securing Power (pdf, 244K)

Interoperabilitaetsprofile (pdf, 388K)

Energy Dashboard (pdf, 144K)

Smart Grids Modellregion Salzburg Projekt Integra (pdf, 380K)

Smart Grid security analysis the sg2 approach (pdf, 800K)

Automatische Funktions- und Ertragskontrolle füer thermische Gebaeudesysteme (pdf, 428K)

Innovationen aus der Informationstechnik (pdf, 360K)

ADSM - Ergebnisse und Schlussfolgerungen (pdf, 592K)

Ict4 Robustgrid (pdf, 544K)

Netzentgelte und Energiepreise zur Steuerung von Lastflüssen im Stromnetz (pdf, 116K)

Gridbox open real time distribution grid control system (pdf, 348K)

S-chameleonstore (pdf, 140K)

Smart Grid Solar Modellversuch Hof Arzberg (pdf, 408K)

Model driven architecture for smart grid systems (pdf, 364K)

Reliable and fault tolerant communication in smart energy (pdf, 152K)

Interaction design for energy saving and shifting in smart grids-enabled households (pdf, 496K)

European academic smart cities network (pdf, 180K)

Reduktion von PV-Einspeisespitzen mittels Batteriespeicher (pdf, 716K)

Smartmeter-basiertes Netzausbau-Planungstool (pdf, 288K)

Lastverschiebung in der Abwasserreinigung (pdf, 200K)

The sparks project smart grid protection against cyber attacks (pdf, 324K)

Energieeffiziente Umsetzung von Smart Metering (pdf, 312K)

Sichere IP-Anbindung von Ortsnetzstationen (pdf, 560K)

Extension of a smart grid test facility with building energy agent technology (pdf, 1,3M)

More PV2 grid more functionalities for increased integration of PV into grid (pdf, 248K)

Qualification of smart meter connections for power line communications meteor (pdf, 1,9M)

Building clustering and active storage for self consumption maximization (pdf, 700K)

Network analysis tool nat zur validierung von smart grid (pdf, 280K)

Smartterms - Intuitive Terminologie für den Endverbraucher von Smart Grid Systemen (pdf, 540K)

Target Audience

National and international players in the field of electricity industry, research, industry and administration, dealing with the development of electricity infrastructure, it's potential challenges and opportunities.

Participant Information



The official conference languages are English and German.
Simultaneous translation during the lectures is provided.

Conference Fee

  • Participation at the workshops Mo/Tu: free
  • Early booking discount (bookings before April 19th, 2014) We-Fr: EUR 500,00
  • Regular fee We-Fr: EUR 650,00
  • One Day Ticket We/Th: EUR 350,00
  • One Day Ticket Fr: EUR 200,00
  • Students We-Fr: EUR 50,00
  • Authors of posters: EUR 300,00

All prices excl. 20% VAT

Hotel Informationen

For last-minute hotel reservations please use our
online hotel reservation system or contact:

Graz Convention Bureau
Ms. Almut Fuchs-Fehringer
Tel.: +43 (316) 8075-420

Contact Address

Detailed information and registration

SYMPOS Veranstaltungsmanagement GmbH
Plenergasse 1, A-1180 Wien
Tel.: +43 (1) 409 79 36-66
Fax: +43 (1) 409 79 36-69

Scientific Director

Hubert Fechner
University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien
Tel.: +43 (664) 6192572


  • Austrian Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology
    Michael Hübner, Strategy and Program Management Smart Grids
    Tel.: +43 (1) 71162 652922
  • Klima- und Energiefonds
    Elvira Lutter, Programm Management
    Tel.: +43 (1) 585 03 90-31
  • Energie Steiermark
    Mathias Schaffer, Energy research & Innovation management
    Tel.: +43 (316) 9000-53620