Smart Grids Week - Graz 2014
Program May 19th, 2014
9:00 - 17:00
ERA-Net Smart Grids Plus Kick-Off
(Energie Steiermark, Leonhardgürtel 10, 8010 Graz; Austria)
The first day of the ERA-Net event is primarily directed towards smart grids programme owners, programme managers, as well as policy makers and national key experts. During the day we will exchange experience and knowledge on national Smart Grids Roadmaps, action plans as well as current research and implementation strategies. In the afternoon the first ERA-Net Smart Grids Plus Steering Board meeting will take place.
Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology (BMVIT)
Michael Hübner
Organisation and registration
Austrian Society for Environment and Technology (ÖGUT)
Erika Ganglberger
Tel.: +43 (1) 315 63 93-25
9:00 - 12:30
"The EU INCREASE project - providing solutions for distributed RES generation from technical issues to test case demonstrations" (JOANNEUM RESEARCH, Leonhardstraße 59, 8010 Graz, Austria)
The European project INCREASE (FP7) aims to look for a solution to connect distributed renewable energy sources in an optimal way to the distribution grid. Control strategies will be developed and the possible provision of ancillary services will be examined.
The results from this research will be tested, first in a simulation platform, then in laboratory environments and even in the real distribution grids in Austria, Slovenia and the Netherlands. This workshop will discuss the major possible problems in LV networks and technical and economic solutions to be investigated in the INCREASE project.
In particular, this workshop will aim to engage a range of stakeholders in order to obtain practical feedback. The international experience on distributed renewable energy sources shared by the workshop participants will broaden the understanding of the issues.
Gregor Taljan, Stromnetz Steiermark
Andreas Türk, Joanneum Research
Tel.: +43 (316) 90555-52717
Further Information:
13:00 - 17:00
Research Area: Hybrid Energy Networks and Systems
(JOANNEUM RESEARCH, Leonhardstraße 59, 8010 Graz, Austria)
The smart grid concept is applicable not only to electricity, but also to natural gas and district heating networks. Nevertheless, the technical and economic potential of such hybrid networks have not been studied systematically.
Within the working group "Hybrid Networks and Synergies with Municipal Infrastructures", initiated by the Austrian Ministry for Transportation, Innovation and Technology (BMVIT), concrete implementation options have been identified, potential estimated and obstacles to implementation and research needs have been identified.
In this workshop - as part of the strategy process Smart Grids 2.0 - the preliminary results from this working group and possible future R & D priorities are presented and discussed with relevant stakeholders.
In German only!
NEW ENERGY Capital Invest GmbH
Robert Hinterberger
Tel.: +43 (1) 33 23 560-3060