Zukunftsquartier Österreich - Development of Quality-assured positive energy district concepts

The aim of this project is therefore to make a significant contribution to the (further) development and testing of systematically interlinked and innovative overall solutions for the implementation of quality-assured positive energy districts in Austria and to prepare the first demonstration projects.

Short Description


completed (2022)

Project description

There are a large number of local, national and international objectives for the complex of issues related to settlements and districts. At the same time, there is at the moment a lack of knowledge at all these levels of how so-called positive energy districts can be defined and how the approach can be successfully put into practice.

The aim of this project is therefore to make a significant contribution to the (further) development and testing of systematically interlinked and innovative overall solutions for the implementation of quality-assured positive energy districts in Austria and to prepare the first demonstration projects.

Therefore, based on the Austrian planning and evaluation methods ("Zukunftsquartier" approach and klimaaktiv standard for settlements and districts), five districts in development in Innsbruck, Salzburg, Klagenfurt, Graz and Vienna were analysed. The following steps were carried out within the framework of this project: data collection, development of quality-assured positive energy district concepts, reflection on the contribution of Austrian districts to European missions and (further) development and standardization of methods and tools for the development of positive energy district concepts in Austria.

To implement these services, a large number of meetings and workshops were held, a wide variety of calculations were made, developed concepts were analysed and evaluated and recommendations for a wide variety of target groups were derived and summarized.

At the end of the project, standardized methods and tools for the development of positive energy district concepts in Austria are available for planners, consultants and researchers. Quality-assured positive energy district concepts are available for five property developers in Innsbruck, Salzburg, Klagenfurt, Graz and Vienna. Finally, there are recommendations for Austrian city representatives, which steps would be necessary so that districts can make a medium-term contribution to the European missions "100 Positive-Energy Districts by 2025" and "100 Climate-Neutral Cities by 2030".

Project Partners

Oskar Mair am Tinkhof, MSc
SIR – Salzburger Institut für Raumordnung und Wohnen

DIin (FH) Petra Schöfmann, MSc
UIV – Urban Innovation Vienna

DI Thomas Zelger, DI David Sengl, Jens Leibold, MSc, Simon Schneider, MSc
FH Technikum Wien

Lea-Marie Hackl, BSc, Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Peter Holzer
IBR&I – Institute of Building Research & Innovation