Construction Elements and Building Materials for Buildings with High-Level Thermal Insulation - Technology, Building Physics, Ecological Rating, Costs (in Austria)
Content Description
Part A
Collection of building elements, with several variants, specified for Passivhausstandard and Low-energy building design,
- with technical description,
- physical parameters and
- ecological life cycle analysis.
Technical descriptions focus on airtight building component connections without thermal bridges, and on technical safety, amended with information on procuction processes, prefabrication und demands on building site management. The physical discussion treats thermal-, noise-, and fire protection, diffusion of vapour and thermal storage characteristics. Ecological impact categories of building materials, durability and maintenance needs of constructions as well as demolition, recycling and disposal are topics of the ecological analysis. Attached is a cost assessment for Austria for all building elements described.
To create
- a reference for architects and building engineers
- information material for clients
- a reference on ecological criteria for public subsidies for housing
- Information and knowledge transfer for planners and building contractors who are on the threshold to building "ecologicalpassive houses".
General objectives are
- Reducing costs für ecological building construction: Deficient information forces up prices!
- Increasing quality levels in building construction
- Dispelling misconceptions about costs, comfort and reliability.
A) Technics (construction engineering, building physics, building chemistry)
- in-house design and calculations based on
- literature research and
- consultation of architects and construction companies, manufacturers of building materials and buidling elements
B) Ökologie
- literature research
- consultation of manufacturers of building materials
- in-house calculations
C) Costcalculation
- calculations according to ÖNORM B 2061
Part B
Material for a planned book publication, structured as shown below
- Teil 1: Introduction, Methodology, Reference
- Teil 2: Construction elements
- Teil 3: Connections
- Teil 4: Functional units
- Teil 5: Building materials
- Teil 6: Glossary, Literature, Index
- Teil 7: Cost assessments
Allmost all common construction elements can be specified to comply with the Passivhaus standard. The environmental impact of building material production, that have to be assigned to a given building element can often be diminished considerably by choosing suitable materials. Also whether a given construction element can be separated, its parts be used again or recycled, and whether it can be disposed without problems or with difficulties can be influenced to a remarkable extent by material choice.
Project Partners
Project manager
Tobias Waltjen
IBO - Austrian Institute for Healthy and Ecological Buildin
Project partners
- Walter Pokorny
Consulting Engineer for Technical Physics - Franz Kalwoda,
Consulting Engineer for Building Construction, Consultant for Building Physics, Allgemein beeideter gerichtlich zertifizierter Sachverständiger - Karl Torghele
Allgemein gerichtlich beeideter und zertifizierter Sachverständiger für Bauphysik sowie für Bau- und Raumakustik - Wolfgang Feist, Dipl.-Phys. Jürgen Schnieders
Passivhaus-Institut Darmstadt - Helmut Krapmeier
Energieinstitut Vorarlberg - Josef Seidl
Chairman IG Passivhaus - Hildegund Mötzl, Thomas Zelger
IBO GmbH - Gerhard Enzenberger
IBO - Austrian Institute for Healthy and Ecological Building - Arch. Martin Wölfl
- Gerhard Schuster
Center for Architecture, Construction and Environment, Donau-Universität Krems
IBO - Austrian Institute for Healthy and Ecological Building
Tobias Waltjen
Alserbachstrasse 5/8
A-1090 Wien
Tel.: +43 (1) 319 20 05-21
Fax: +43 (1) 319 20 05-50