Benchmarking - sustainability of housing subsidies across the federal provinces

Systematical description, analysis and comparison of all ecological, economic and social sus-tainability of the systems aspects of housing subsidy for new buildings and the renovation of buildings across the federal provinces of Austria; an analysis of regional-economic effects and a statistical-econometric analysis of the allocation effects of housing subsidies.

Content Description




For the housing subsidies special effects for example on economy, society, environment or regional planning principles were always provable thus the high public expenditure could be justified. The effects of the housing subsidies in regard to the three aspects of sustainability (ecological, economic and social) are evident, even though they were never described and analyzed in a systematical and clearly structured way, neither in the available technical literature nor in the public discussion.

This gap is to be closed with this project by a structured description of the development status of the subsidy systems (per turn of the year 2003/2004; this date is close to the target date of the final report) in regard to questions of sustainability at the Federal State level; furthermore modes of functioning of the housing subsidies will be researched and above all it is intended to make a contribution to improve the basic conditions in this regard.


Main part 1 contains a detailed overall view of all ecological, economic and social sustainable subsidy- measures and models for new buildings and the renovation of buildings across the federal provinces in an appendix and a systematical and clear summary in the mainpart of the project.

Main part 2 contains a detailed technical description of development and effects of some selected subsidy models (Best practice). The selection of the models will be based on the results of an intensive inquiry and research activity at the administrative offices of housing subsidies, concerned recipients of subsidies and representatives of the housing- and building industry. A benchmark test on the basis of diverse criterias (Status of technical knowledge, volume of expenditures, acceptance or special effects) will complete this part of the project.

Main Part 3 will be worked out by a project partner, the E.V.A. ("Energieverwertungsagentur").

The analysis of typical objects built after the second World War is to compare each regional subsidy model for the renovation of buildings for the first time.

Main part 4 contains a report and an analysis of the public expenditures of the federal provinces for ecological subsidy measures since 1988/1989 (devolution of the legislative competence for housing subsidies to the federal provinces).

The ambition of a benchmark test (main part 5) on the base of a limited set of classification numbers (financing and practice of housing subsidies) is to compare the various subsidy systems for new buildings and the renovation of buildings and to get a clear and brief overview about them.

In main part 6 the respective subsidy models for the building of new tenements in all federal provinces will be calculated by using average classification numbers (size of the building, site density, number of parking areas, site- and building costs) with the objective of benchmarking the efficiency of each model.

Additional part A (worked out by the E.V.A.) contains a comparison of calculated and real need and usage of thermal heat in subsidized new buildings.

The additional parts B and C will be worked out by Univ.-Prof. Dr. Edwin Deutsch (Technical University of Vienna) in cooperation with the FGW.

Additional part B ("social sustainability of housing subsidies) contains an analysis of the socio-economic allocation effects of housing subsidies and additional part C a regional-economic analysis based on the hypothesis, that the positive macroeconomic facts in Austria depend on intensive regional economic activities with the objective to get back this effect by forcing the thermal renovation of buildings, for example of elder one- and two family houses.

Project Partners

Project manager: Dr. Wolfgang Amann, Mag. Andreas Oberhuber
FGW-Forschungsgesellschaft für Wohnen, Bauen und Planen
  • Dipl.-Ing. Sandra Bauernfeind
    FGW-Forschungsgesellschaft für Wohnen, Bauen und Planen
  • Univ.-Prof. Dr. Edwin Deutsch
    DEUTSCH wohnwirtschaftliche Bildungsveranstaltungen OEG
    Institut für Ökonometrie, Operations Research und Systemtheorie, TU Wien
  • Mag. Michael Cerveny
    Energieverwertungsagentur - E.V.A.


FGW-Forschungsgesellschaft für Wohnen, Bauen und Planen
Dr. Wolfgang Amann
Mag. Andreas Oberhuber
Löwengasse 47/5
1030 Wien
Tel.: +431 712 62 51 17 (Dr. Amann)
Tel.: +431 712 62 51 23 (Mag. Oberhuber)
Fax.: +431 712 62 51-21