Development of an eco-efficient alternate building material by using biogenic fountain remnants to act as binders
Short Description
Objective of the present research project "Development ofeco-efficient alternate building material by using biogenic fountain remnantsto act as binders" is the analysis of an operational implementation forconcrete made of harmless industrial remnants (recycled concrete, asphalt,crushed stones from railway tracks, foundry sand) with wood ashes from powerplants (biomass energy) as hydraulic binders for the production of concretematerials.
The concrete materials should be an alternate building material for theimplementation in case of flood protection, scarp- and slope protection andalso for building dams for retention basins. The applicant works with theexperience getting as a result of taking waste products with latent hydrauliccharacteristics as a cement substitute for structural measures at the ownmining area in Lassing.
Our motivation is to conserve precious landfill areas because of therecirculation of harmless industrial remnants to the product circulation andto protect resources through substitution of primary raw materials. Up to thepresent there aren't any standards or other technical policies for suchan alternate building material. That's why we create a survey scheme inaccordance to the technical rules of building roads and dams and also inaccordance to the operative concrete norm. Final aim is creating a policy byco-operating with the "Austrian Institute for Building MaterialTesting". In the policy the requested quality for an alternate buildingmaterial made of remnants will be documented for the particular field.Because all of the secondary raw materials are considered as refuse in thelegal sense we would like to prove the "end of waste" accordingto § 5 AWG 2002 and the status of being a product for the"Mixolith-Beton".
Overall 12 different ashes have been representatively sampled andanalyzed. The reason for making a(n) extensive/complete analysis was the safeguarding that in terms of the ÖNORM S2100 only not dangerous rest masses aretaken for the production of "Mixolith-Beton". From these ashesthe optimal percentage of water/binder was calculated as a result of"Procter experiments". With this percentage cylindrical sampleswith and without cement where made. After an (apparently appraisement)inspection regarding form stability, efflorescence and edge strength thepressure resistance was tested after 7, 14, 28 and 56 days.
The following ashes are still getting tested:
- Mondi Packaging Frantschach, (SN 31306, wood ash, straw ash)
- Biomassekraftwerk Timelkam, (SN 31306, wood ash, straw ash)
- Papierfabrik Hamburger, Pitten, (SN 31031 other combustion plants)
- Müllverbrennungsanlage Lenzing, (SN 31308 waste incineration plant)
To accomplish an equal cement allocation an optimal wet and dry mixtime was established by industrial tests at the own concrete industrial mixer. As anticipated it showed strengthening by increasing the cement concentration. However the designated aim to substitute primary raw materials to almost 100 % couldn't' be reached.
In addition to the laboratory tests four prototype buildings where built. In the process measurements about the longtime rigidity and botanical tolerance have been carried out. To warrant a constant quality the pressure resistance tests continue. The currently tested mixing of different ashes (among each other) didn't produce the required results and so we don't make further test's with them.
Main focus is the construction of a prototype building in summer 2008. The results of this building will be a very important criterion for the product certification. For the planned product certification the ashes have been mixed (among each other) at the rate of 1/3 to 1/3 to 1/3 and also at the rate ½ to ½. These current tested mixture's already have a pressure resistance between 3,4 and 6,6 N/mm² after 7 days. Altogether the results demonstrate that the "Mixolith-Beton" fulfils all the technologically needs for the intended field of application.
Project Partners
Project management
Wolfgang Berger, Geschäftsleitung, Paltentaler Splitt & Marmorwerke Gesellschaft m.b.H
Project team
- DI Meinhard Lesjak
- Tina Jaksch
Scientific support
ARP GesmbH
Johann Sacklgasse 65-67
8700 Leoben
Contact Address
Paltentaler Splitt & Marmorwerke Gesellschaft m.b.H
Wolfgang Berger
Werksgasse 281
8786 Rottenmann