Refurbishment of an existing villa of the "Gründerzeit" to passive house standard with passive and active solar use

The project shows in an exemplary way how buildings of the time of "Gründerzeit" could be maintained and could offer a better environmental balance including the view of the village and the traffic than a new building. As an example a villa has been converted into a multi-family house within a larger housing project.

Short Description




The project shows in an exemplary way that existing buildings of the „Gründerzeit“ can be conserved in an economic way and are by far superior to new buildings in respect to their environmental balance. This includes much better living conditions and offers advantages for the protection of the appearance of the village (“Ortsbild”) and the avoidance of traffic.

A villa of the type “Wienerwald” is renovated in an exemplary way and in connection of an entire housing project (14 units) by using the Passivhouse-Concept, passive solar use and active solar use for warm water.

Point of departure was on the one hand the conservation of the exterior and interior appearance of the existing building and on the other hand the refurbishment to passive house standard with the latest state of the technology. The passive house standard regarding materials and details was nearlyrealized. It was possible to conserve the different kinds of double windows and restore them within 2 different variants.The decoration of the facades was re-established and a combination of the existing building and the new one was achieved. The representative rooms on the south side could preserve their proportions and their typical character (for example: by the old wooden floors, the typical shadows of the partition of the old windows, the window shutters, etc.).

Project Partners

Project management

DI Ralph Baumgärtner
Aufbauwerk der österreichischen Jungarbeiterbewegung Bau-, Wohnungs- und Siedlungsges.m.b.H

Project or cooperation partner

  • Arch. DI Georg W. Reinberg, Architekturbüro Reinberg ZT GmbH
    Lindengasse 19/10, 1070 Wien
  • Ing. Hannes Schwahofer, BPS Engineering
    Zeleborgasse 26/8, 1120 Wien
  • DI Thomas Zelger, IBO Wien
    Alserbachstraße 5/8, 1090 Wien

Contact Address

Aufbauwerk der österreichischen Jungarbeiterbewegung Bau-, Wohnungs- und Siedlungsges.m.b.H
DI Ralph Baumgärtner
Tuchlauben 8/6 Stock
A-1010 Wien
Tel.: +43 (1) 5339893-0
Fax: +43 (1) 5339893-9