openVALUE - Quality and Weight of Open Spaces of Urban Building Projects
Short Description
Starting point/Motivation
To enhance sustainable urban development improvements are to be achieved also in the inner city areas. Open spaces of building projects have to fulfill ecological and social requirements.
Contents and Objectives
The projects aim is to develop long lasting qualities in open spaces. In four case studys the built design, the social dimension as well as the production process are analyzed. The interdisciplinary project-team includes aspects of sustainable valorization such as ecological diversity, dweller contentedness, aging ability of open spaces. Main questions are: How does open space contribute to the valorization of the project? How is open space incorporated in the production processes? What can Qualitymanagement for building projects be supported in terms of process as well as design?
A POE (Post Occupancy Evaluation) is carried out with regard to the actual built design, to appropriations and regulations. On the basis of a policy analysis the production process is illustrated. The decision making processes to create the open spaces were reconstructed.. These data allow for spotting the interfaces within these processes which influence the open space quality essentially. A good practice collection is illustrating strategies and their results. Finally the synopsis of results lead to a practical catalogue of measures.
The main factor for high quality open spaces is continuity within the production process. Measures are introduced to prevent the loss of information and commitment during that process.
Prospects / Suggestions for future research
Economic aspects and the usability will be Increasingly important. To ensure high quality in open spaces these processes have to be conceived at an early stage. To ensure this development, continuing education concepts can build up on this research project. Social processes in the production period as well as after occupation should be further examined in futher researcg projects.
Project Partners
Project management
Univ.Prof. DI Lilli Lička
Universität für Bodenkultur Wien, Department für Raum, Landschaft und Infrastruktur, Institut für Landschaftsarchitektur
Projeckt- and cooperation partners
- Technische Universität Wien
Department für Raumentwicklung, Infrastruktur- und Umweltplanung - IC Projektentwicklung GmbH
- GESIBA, Gemeinnützige Siedlungs- und Bauaktiengesellschaft
- ARWAG Holding AG
- MIGRA Gemeinnützige Bau- u. Siedlungsgesellschaft Gesellschaft mbH
Contact Address
Universität für Bodenkultur Wien, Institut für Landschaftsarchitektur
Univ. Prof. DI Elisabeth Lička
DI Dr. Philipp Rode
Peter-Jordan-Straße 82, A-1190 Wien
Tel.: +43 (1) 47654-7220
Fax: +43 (1) 47654-7229
Web: Universität für Bodenkultur Wien