IEA Bioenergy Task "Biomass Combustion and Co-firing"
Short Description
The aim of the participation in Task 32 "Biomass Combustion and Co-firing" during the period 2004-2006 was to contribute to the work in the Task and the coordination of Austrian participation within the Task.
The Austrian participation ensured that an intensive contact and exchange of experiences could be developed and strengthened with international research institutions, which are relevant for the Austrian bioenergy research with focus on biomass combustion and co-firing. It enabled to put the projects and the results of the Austrian biomass research in the international context. On the one hand Austrian research projects and results were published internationally and on the other hand international results were brought to Austrian research institutions, industries and producers and operators of bioenergy combustion plant.
The overall objectives of Task 32 were defined and worked out by the task leader and members: collection, analysis and dissemination of strategic information about biomass combustion and co-firing. This should lead to a higher public acceptance and efficiency of the technologies referring environmental issues and cost efficiency, and to an improvement of operation security. A network of international experts from industry and research worked on the whole spectrum of possibilities of biomass combustion and co-combustion. Intensive co-operations with other IEA Bioenergy Tasks and IEA Clean Combustion Sciences supported the work in Task 32.
In the working period 2004-2006 12 countries (Australia, Belgium, Denmark, UK, Canada, The Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, Austria, Germany joined in 2005, and the European Commission) were members of Task 32. The number of member states shows the high importance of biomass combustion and co-firing worldwide. 6 Task meetings were organized and guaranteed an efficient exchange of information. In these meetings the ongoing work in the Task-projects was discussed and coordinated. In addition, Task 32 organized international workshops with 6 special topics: "Biomass Co-firing: Current Trends and Future Challenges", "Public Perception of Co-firing", "Aerosols in Biomass Combustion", "Recent Developments in Small-scale Combustion Devices", "Fuel Flexibility in Biomass Combustion" and "Ash related issues in Biomass Combustion". The international workshop "Aerosols in Biomass Combustion" was organized by Austria in March 2005 in Graz. The Austrian partner also played an active role e.g. by presentations of results of relevant issues of biomass combustion and co-firing.
The Austrian partner contributed to Task issues with special relevance for Austria because these issues were or are investigated in Austrian research projects. The "Handbook on Biomass Combustion and Co-firing" (the first edition 2002 was a great success and sold out) was updated and the second edition was prepared. Specific input came from the Austria and therefore the transfer of the competence of Austrian research institutions and the know-how of Austrian producers of biomass combustion plants to a broad public was possible. 3 chapters and contributions to further 3 chapters were worked out by the Austria. The second edition will be published in autumn 2007.
The Austrian representative cooperated in another Task-topic "Particle(Aerosol-) emissions and -formation". The special issue was the Aerosol-formation and Aerosol-characteristics in biomass plants with fixed beds and small scale biomass plants because of their relevance for Austria. The Task project "Biomass combined heat and power plants" (Biomass CHP) was co-ordinated by the Austrian representative in the period 2001-2003 and finished in 2004. Information and data about innovative Biomass CHP were collected and the results summarized in 2 reports that can be downloaded from the Task-website.
The Austrian experiences in ash characterisation and utilization were integrated in chapter 2 of the second edition of the "Handbook on Biomass Combustion and Co-firing". In the database "BIOBANK" information about ashes from biomass combustion (physical and chemical characteristics) was provided by the Austrian partner. "BIOBANK", available on the Task-website since February 2002, was and will be updated periodically. The Austrian partner also co-operated in the Task issues "Increasing fuel flexibility, including contaminated biomass and biomass pellets" and "Improvement of existing systems and development of new concepts". Related research projects are ongoing in Austria. The Task-website was updated and extended with Austrian support.
The continuing participation of Austria in the working period 2007-2009 will provide the opportunity to work on the following issues: "Optimization of fuel logistics, -pretreatment, -storage and -transport", "Corrosion and deposit formation of biomass combustion and co-firing", "Innovative small scale biomass combustion devices" and "Biomass co-firing". The organization of special topics related workshops will be continued. The Task issues and work topics in the period 2007-2009 are of great relevance for Austria from both scientific and commercial aspect.
Project Partners
Task-Verantwortlicher, inhaltliche Projektbearbeitung
Univ. Doz. Dr.Ingwald Obernberger
TU Graz, Institut für Ressourcenschonende und Nachhaltige Systeme
Inffeldgasse 25C
A-8010 Graz
Tel: +43 (0)316/481300-12
Fax: +43 (0)316/481300-4
Österreichische Koordination IEA Bioenergy
Univ. Doz. Dr.Josef Spitzer, DI Kurt Könighofer
Joanneum Research Forschungsgesellschaft mbH, Institut für Energieforschung
Elisabethstraße 5
A-8010 Graz
Tel: +43 (0)316/876-1338
Fax: +43 (0)316/876-1320