Elements for implementation of the Model region for Smart Grids in Salzburg: V2G Vehicle to Grid Strategies and Interfaces
Vehicle to Grid Interfaces
The future increasing use of electrical vehicles and the integration of a high number of electrical vehicles are challenges for grid operators. When large numbers of electrical vehicles at the same time are charged, so peaks of load (peaks of demand) will arise and negative consequences for the supply grid result. On the other hand, the accumulators of unused electrical vehicles could feed in their electrical energy into the grid and stabilize the supply voltage. The objective of this project was to integrate electrical vehicles in a best way for consumers and grid operators into the supply grid. So, comfortable systems and applications for the connection between supply grid and electrical vehicle have been developed.
Involved within the project
- Salzburg AG
- TU Wien EEG
- Siemens AG Österreich
Vehicle to Grid Strategies
This study deals with the consequences of a higher use of electrical vehicles for the power grid until 2050. The development of concepts for the active integration of electrical vehicles into the supply grid is an expected outcome of this project. Further outcomes of this project are:
- Scenarios about the future development of electrical vehicles in rural and urban regions
- Strategies for charging and discharging of electric vehicles in dependence of customers’ behaviour, quality of the grid and electricity mix
- Assessment about the consequences for urban and rural supply grids
- Cost-benefit-assessment of different business and tariff models
Involved within the project
- TU Wien EEG
- TU Wien EAEW
- Salzburg Netz GmbH
As part of: New Energies 2020, Austrian Fund for Climate and Energy (KLIEN)