IEA Bioenergy Task "Biogas"

Evolution and circulation of the biogas extraction of organic materials through Austrian attendance and collaboration in an international net as well as management of task-emphases

Short Description




During the period 2004-2006 of IEA Bioenergy Task 37 member countries and selected experts worked on issues of biogas technology (e.g. type and quality of raw material for biogas production, quality standards of fermentation substrate and biogas, processing technologies), overall descriptions, Case Studies (Success stories), reports, information brochures and inputs for IEA Bioenergy Task 37 website have been prepared.

The main goal of Task 37 was to provide und spread knowledge of biogas technologies and to avoid doubling of work in the 8 member countries.

Six Task meetings were organized to coordinate the work and the transfer of information: in Rome, Italy, in Jyväskylä, Finland, in Aadorf (Tänikon), Switzerland, in Utrecht, The Netherlands, in Eskilstuna, Sweden and in Braunschweig, Germany. Data were collected and information was provided for the interested institutions in Austria.

The benefit for Austria is the availability of a broad access to international information. The involvement of Austrian interested institutions, biogas plants operator etc. lead to intensive information exchange and contacts to international companies and institutions. Input of Austrian interests and point of views in decision making processes lead to better preparation and understanding of commercial and environmental issues. Therefore the implementation of these issues could be improved.

During the Task meetings excursions to biogas plants using different raw materials were organized. The participants could gather detailed information about these biogas plants and the experiences in operation.

In the Task meeting in Aadorf (Tänikon, Switzerland) the "Biogas training programmes" in Germany, Switzerland and Austria were coordinated. Each country presented their training programme and it was decided to cooperate in defining the content and the aims of the programmes.

Country reports, information brochures about biogas technologies, biogas success stories were provided by Austrian support (e.g. Reidling, Pucking). All publications are available on Task 37 website.

Project Partners

Task-Verantwortlicher, inhaltliche Projektbearbeitung

Günther Bochmann
Interuniversitäres Department für Agrarbiotechnologie IFA-Tulln Institut für Umweltbiotechnologie
Konrad Lorenzstrasse 20
A-3430 Tulln
Tel.: +43 (2272) 66280-536
Fax: +43 (2272) 66280-503

Österreichische Koordination IEA Bioenergy

Univ. Doz. Dr. Josef Spitzer, DI Kurt Könighofer
Joanneum Research Forschungsgesellschaft mbH, Institut für Energieforschung
Elisabethstraße 5
A-8010 Graz
Tel.: +43 (316) 876-1338
Fax: +43 (316) 876-1320