ASPO Conference 2012
Association for the Study of Peak Oil & Gas
Content Description
The 10th annual ASPO conference will bring together decision makers, scientists, the business sector, public authoritities and NGOs to discuss challenges and opportunities of Peak Oil and review scenarios on energy supply and demand. High-level speakers, discussions and networking opportunities will allow exchange and know-how transfer on an international level.
The diversity of the program and participants from many different regions will bring new aspects into the discussion and create new perspectives on analyses, strategies and solution approaches.
The conference aims to provide insights about managing the challenges related to economic stability. The attendees will have the opportunity to obtain updates on the latest research on fossil fuel availability, on short and long term economic consequences of increasing energy prices.
Outlook on some of the topics planned for the ASPO 2012 conference:
- The Future of Energy Supply and Demand
- The Decline of Conventional Oil & Gas
- Europe´s Shale-Gas Perspective
- The Availability of Fossil Energy
- The geopolitical Perspective of Energy supply and infrastructure
- Economical and Societal Consequences of the Second Half of the Oil Age
- Strategy Options: Resilience & Transformation
- Peak Oil & Urban Design
Contact Address
- Michael Cerveny, ÖGUT
E-Mail: - Georg Günsberg