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Haus der Zukunft

Integration of results of the program "Building of Tomorrow" into the established qualification program of energy counsellors and their daily consultancy activities

Preparing the results of the "Building of Tomorrow" program for energy counsellors by elaborating a material collection and integrating it into the basic education of energy counsellors. Furthermore a one-day training course for already active energy counsellors will be designed and held.

Haus der Zukunft

Booklet issued by Building of Tomorrow with about 20 practical passive house thermal bridges free connection details for large-volume residential buildings

In particular, for buildings with very low energy consumption on heating the influence of heat bridges have a special value. Since in passive house construction a largely heat bridge free execution is required, the most frequent and significant heat bridges are collected in a booklet.

Haus der Zukunft

Update of content and usability for the Manual for Energy Consultants (HfE-New)

The Manual for Energy Consultants had been adapted to present and future needs in energy consulting. The updated manual will preserve the basic concept (buildings with at least close to domestic energy use patterns, up to 1000 m² heated floor area, concentration on refurbishment) and the existing structure: Checklists, data sheets and explanations.

Haus der Zukunft

Morphology of a City - The Austrian Built Environment

This study uses several data sources to analyze the effects of the research programe "Haus der Zukunft" ("Building of Tomorrow") on the Austrian housebuilding industry and the built environment.

Haus der Zukunft

Technology Platform Photovoltaic Austria

Between research institutions and the economic system the way has been paved to initiate joint R&D projects. Common research activities have been initiated and intensified to be able to position local companies in international niche markets for photovoltaics.

Haus der Zukunft

ThermSat - pilot training program "Thermal renovation engineer in construction industry"

The goal was to design, offer, evaluate and refine a practical training, adapted to the current development. Aim of the courses is to have well-trained engineers and technicians with practical and theoretical knowledge in the field of thermal renovation of buildings.

Haus der Zukunft

BIGMODERN - Subproject 11: Dissemination of project results

The project is part of the flagship project BIGMODERN. It aims at disseminating all relevant results of BIGMODERN in a comprehensive and targeted way. It addresses different target groups, such as decision makers inside the BIG Bundesimmobiliengesellschaft, various users of federal buildings and other real estate companies nationally and internationally.

Haus der Zukunft

Model Predictive Control of Thermally Active Building Systems and Monitoring of two Test-Boxes

A robust, predictive controller which utilises weather forecast data to control thermally active building systems had been designed, researched and assessed in terms of energy efficiency and comfort compared to standard controllers, especially for cooling purposes. Simulations and real measurements using two "Test-Boxes" with thermally active building systems which are constructed and built for this purpose were used to analyse energy efficiency and comfort. Low complexity and transparency of methods and solutions should allow for transferability of all results to guarantee maximum usability for similar applications.

Haus der Zukunft The Open Content knowledge and learning platform

The objective of the project was to develop online teaching materials on the topics energy-efficient buildings and renewable energy sources in collaboration with technical vocational schools and vocational higher secondary schools.

Haus der Zukunft

PassiveHouseDataBase - International Passive House and Passive House Plus Database

About 3.000 buildings are documented, all of them show a high level of comfort and follow energy and building technique standards for passive houses and plus-passive houses. By integration of object and evaluation data, the database will become the worldwide basis for extremely energy efficient buildings and because of its multilingualism and quality assurance opens up new sustainable export possibilities.

Haus der Zukunft

Building and modernising with "Building of Tomorrow"

The project BauModern turned to non-profit and commercial housing developers and real estate managements. In close co-operation with the federations of the housing and real estate economy has been achieved that builders are informed about market-suited innovative technologies and concepts and use these strengthened for their projects both in the new building and in the refurbishment.

Haus der Zukunft

ECR Energy City Graz - subproject 2: Framework-Plan Energy City Graz-Reininghaus

Main project-issue is the scientific work and the demonstration of the vision of the energy self-sufficient, CO2-neutral city-district Graz-Reininghaus. The Framework-Plan Energy City Graz-Reininghaus shall stimulate an awareness-raising process towards energy-efficient and sustainable city-development.

Haus der Zukunft

Renew Building - Competence Building and Knowledge Transfer for Climate-friendly renovation with ecological and renewable materials

The project Renew Building provided knowledge about eco-friendly renovation to the target groups (planners, architects, students of architecture, etc.) through theory and practice classes, lectures, an e-learning platform, and in an online knowledge database.

Haus der Zukunft

URSOLAR - Optimization of SOLAR energy usage in URban energy systems

URSOLAR provides decision makers with a roadmap for the integrated use of solar energy in urban environments. The roadmap shows, how photovoltaics- and solar-thermal installations can be used in an ecological, economical and socially optimal way whilst considering legal requirements as well as infrastructural conditions in typical city quartiers and stakeholder interests.

Stadt der Zukunft

Innovation lab act4energy

The Innovation Lab act4energy is set up as an innovation laboratory project. Its focus is to solve the problems of renewable energies integration with a focus on photovoltaic power paired with local consumption, linked to the the high fluctuation of renewable energies.

Stadt der Zukunft

The Green Parking Space – Utilization of urban parking areas for production of biomass

Many traffic areas in urban environments are actually used as such only a small fraction of the time. Subject of this project was to investigate the possibility of using those areas by additional integration of photobioreactors for the production of biomass, integrating such systems to the maximum extent into the urban substance and energy cycles.

Haus der Zukunft

Manage_GeoCity - Development of a method for the coordinated management of geothermal energy in urban areas

Based on the urban region Graz a method had been developed for the coordinated use and management of shallow geothermal energy for heating and cooling as well as seasonal heat storage in urban regions. Ground water flow, different geologic conditions, heating and cooling demand, heat input from solar collectors and industrial waste heat and the possibilities of seasonal heat storage in the subsurface were considered.

Stadt der Zukunft

Future quarter 2.0 - Replicable, thermally and electrically grid-supportive conception of (positive energy) districts in a dense urban context

Development of a replicable concept for grid-supportive integration of innovative (positive energy) district with high on-site energy supply into the existing network infrastructure (electricity and district heating network).

Haus der Zukunft

Network material ecology for hospitals

The use of sustainable building materials is a key issue for sustainable development of the building sector. Emission free indoor air, minimized embodied energy of construction materials and health risk for construction workers are three main aspects. Between five hospital operators in Austria, Germany and Switzerland a practical exchange of experience focused on material ecology will be initiated and moderated.

Haus der Zukunft

NEST international - New standards for old houses international

The main goal was to raise awareness for energetic renovations of settlement houses due to the handbook "Neue Standards für alte Häuser" in Slovakia and the Czech Republic. In doing so, the refurbishment potential has been identified in the target countries, experiences exchanged and information transferred. Contacts to the relevant target groups have been established.